#14 [Davy pov]

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They were like ninjas as they slipped through our front door and patio windows. The attackers took us out one by one. Silently they put clothes over our mouths. I didn't even notice they were in the house until Chelsea flinched beside me and I saw the gloved hand remove the cloth. Fear bloomed inside of me, but instead of fighting I pretended that I didn't notice anything. When the attacker put the cloth over my mouth I pretended to fall asleep, but never breathed in the gas.

I was apparently the last one to fall asleep so they took us one by one, gagged us and tied us up. I kept one eye open to see who our attackers were. I couldn't think of anyone who would attack us on a personal level.

By their bodies I'd say that the attackers had been three men dressed in all black, with masks on. A fourth man entered the room but I never saw him. I could only hear him speaking.

"They aren't here." One of the other attackers said. He sounded familiar, but I couldn't place his voice.

"They have to be." The leader said. "I left them here. Right in this house. Check every room, turn over every piece of furniture." He commanded.

From there the only sound I heard was the crashes and bangs of tumbled over furniture. When they hadn't found whatever they'd been looking for the attackers came and loaded us into a van. They stacked us on top of each other, with Mike on top of me. I was glad when the car stopped and the attackers unloaded us into a building.

I don't remember much except the fear of not knowing what in the world was going on. We laid in the dark warehouse for hours. I waited as all of my friends woke up from their sleep, one by one.

"Davy?" Chelsea said frightened.

"Baby, I'm here." I said into the darkness. I heard her pull on the chains that kept us all with our backs to the wall.

"Where are we?" Several voices asked.

"I don't know." I answered.

"How did we get here?" Phyllis asked.

"Some men attacked us and brought us here. They were looking for something in the flat." I explained.

"Why would they take us though?" Mike asked.

"I forgot to ask." I smiled.

Then, suddenly, the lights flicked on and there was a man standing in front of us. I could see now that we were chained to the back wall of a 20 by 30 foot cage. The man stood just outside of the cage with his arms crossed and a mask hiding his identity.

"I see you all have a few questions as to why I brought you here." He said. That voice. I'd heard it before, just where?

"Yes! Who are you?!" Mike struggled to free his hands from the chains.

"I can't tell you who I am. If I wanted you to know that, I would take off my mask." The voice chuckled.

"Makes sense." Peter nodded.

"But you can call me Eddy." The man informed us.

"Alright, Eddy, what do you want?" I asked.

"Now that's a question I can answer. But I have no use in telling you what I want just yet. Besides, you can't give me what I want." He sounded like he was smiling, but I couldn't tell because of the mask.

Mike pulled harder on his chains.

"You creep! Micky will find us! Then you'll be sorry!" He struggled.

Then man snickered. "Oh I doubt I'll be the sorry one." He said. "It seems you are going to be here for a while, so get comfortable. We'll bring you food in a few hours." Eddy turned to leave.

I looked around the room at my family and friends. Peter, Mike, and Chelsea were to my right. Christian, Phyllis and Marshie were to my left.

Counting me that was only seven. Someone was missing. Then it hit me who.

"Lani!" I yelled out. Eddy stopped walking and turned to us again.

"I was waiting for someone to notice." He said with that creepy smile again.

"Where is she?" I asked, angrily.


"If you do anything to her, I will murder you myself." Mike screamed.

"Oh calm down, I wouldn't dream of hurting her just yet." Eddy said and walked away. He ignored us as we yelled and screamed for him to come back and tell us where our friend's daughter was.

Mike and I screamed and struggled until our voices were raw and our wrists were bleeding. When we finally gave up Chelsea scooted as close as she could to me.

"Davy, I'm scared." She had tears running down her cheeks. I did my best to comfort her.

"It's going to be okay. I'll find a way to get us out of here. Plus Micky's probably on our trail right now. He'll find us and get us out. I promise."

"No. I'm not scared for me. I'm scared for Lani. What are they going to do to her?" Chelsea asked.

I sighed. "There's no telling. But whatever they do we'll avenge her." I promised.

"What do they want with us?" She asked. I didn't answer because she already knew I didn't know.

I just let her rest her head on my shoulder and cry.

I looked around the room again. Marshie was calming Peter from across the expanse. Mike was praying and struggling to get free. And Phyllis was holding a crying Christian. The poor kid. He was only a small child. This had to be terrifying.

It had to be even more terrifying for Lani as she woke up alone with these people.

I tried to reach Micky telepathically. It hadnever worked before, but it couldn't hurt to try. I tried my hardest to tellMicky how much we needed him to hurry. But I don't think my brain waves evenmade it passed the tin roof of the warehouse. So much for that idea{

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