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"Lani! Please come up to bed." I called down the stair case.

"Okay!" She called up.

I watched from her bed as she bubbled into the room. She bounced onto the bed beside me.

"I have something I want to tell you." I said nervously. I descended to the floor and sat on my knees in front of her. "Do you remember a long time ago when I dated Jenna?" I asked and she nodded.

"Well I made a promise to you then that it would always be just me and you. But I have been really lonely..."

"I know." Lani smiled.

"I was just wanted to make sure that you would be okay if I maybe started dating again?" I asked her.

"Why wouldn't I be fine? I'm tired of living with a bunch of boys!" Lani joked. I smiled.

"I was afraid you would say no. " I admitted.

"You should know me better than that." Lani ruffled my hair, and pulled my curls back to kiss my forehead. She laid back in the bed and snuggled up under the blankets. I returned her kiss and turned off the lights.

"Goodnight, Sweetie." I whispered before closing the door.

"Goodnight, daddy." I heard her say after i'd closed the door.

I loved that child more than anything in the world. I was overjoyed that she approved of me finding a girl.

I was the only person left in the house.

Chelsea and Davy were at her parent's house for dinner, Peter was asleep already and Marshie was with him, Mike and Phyllis were out on a date night. I was home with the kids. As usual. I didn't mind too much though. Christian and Lani were good kids. And they mostly took care of themselves.

I sat down in the living room with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. I couldn't focus on the news though. I was transfixed on the thought of finally, maybe, a girl who would love me and my daughter.

I fell asleep on the couch and was woken up by Lani in the morning.

"Daddy wake up! School starts in thirty minutes!" She said in a panic.

I shot up.

"I'll make you and Chris some toast real quick." I fumbled sleepily to the kitchen and took out two pieces of bread. I shoved them into the toaster and turned around to the kitchen table. Lani had her book bag open, ready for me to check it.

She had her pencils, pens, rulers, and every book, and notebook required. I gave her a thumbs up. I next checked Christian's. He too had everything.

The toast popped up from the toaster. I didn't even have to turn around to know that it was burnt. I groaned and foolishly grabbed the burnt bread with my bare hands. I threw it onto the floor and howled in pain.

"Are you okay, Uncle Micky?" Asked Chris.

"Yeah.. yeah i'm okay." I said. I ran my injured hand under running water. When the sting was gone I turned back to the kids and motioned for them to go out to the bus. They would have to eat breakfast at school today.

They obeyed me and shot out the front door.

I fell into a chair at the table and sunk way into it. I buried my head into my arms in defeat. The day had started out as a frantic one. I was not looking forward to the rest of the day. That's when in the chaos a simple thought occurred to me. I remembered that I was going to meet Anna today. I smiled and blushed. No matter how hard I tried the inferno sensation deep in my chest refused to be extinguished. And honestly I didn't want it to go away. Who would?

Honestly guys this gif is my favorite and it took me ages to find it!

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