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Only a few seconds after I came out of the bathroom the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it!" I called, then trotted to the stair case and slid down the railing. I took a deep breath and opened the front door. 

"Hello, Anna." I smiled.

"Greetings!" She saluted me playfylly. 

I laughed nervously and invited her in.

She looked very pretty in her blue two peiced bikini. The sky blue mixed beautifully with her dark brown hair and blue eyes. 

"Hey, cuz!" Mike called out from the balcany entrance. All the others had exited the house and were on the beach getting ready to play. 

"Micheal!" She greeted him. "I brought a towle, where do you want me to put it?" She asked. 

"I'll take it." I suggested and reached out for her yellow beach towle. She handed it to me with a smile. I searched for a good place to set it as Mike escorted her out to the beach. When I was sure they were out of sight I brought the cloth slowly to my face and took in a deep breath. It smelled unsurprisingly like Anna: incense with faint wifs of lavender. 

I closed my eyes and dared to breath in for a second time. When I exhaled my breathing shuttered. A smiled crept onto my features. I couldn't believe how much a smell could make me fall for a person. 

I figured they would be wondering where I was if I didn't hurry up, so I quickly set Anna's towle in the bedroom and rushed outside. I jogged up the beach to where Mike and I had set up the net. They had already seperated into teams. Peter, Marshie, Mike and Phyllis on team and Davy, Chelsea, Anna and I on the other. 

"Finally!"Davy yelled as I sputtered to a stop. 

"Sorry..." I said out of breath. "I got distracted." 

"Well get in position so we can start." Davy commanded. The girls all snickered. 

"Have you introduced her to everyone?" I asked Mike concerning Anna. 

"Oh, no!" Mike whispered back. "Wait a minute! Anna come here." Anna jogged up to us. "Everone this is Anna! Anna, this is everyone!" He slapped her shouldr playfully and smiled. Happy with himself. I shrugged. At least it was an introduction. 

Davy served the ball with an underhanded serve. It wasn't going to go over the net so Mike spiked it over. Peter jumped up and set the ball for me I spiked it over the net and we recieved a point. I jumped in the air and cheered. Peter hugged Marshie and they cheered as well. 

The game went back and forth with both sides showing various levels of skill and throwing insults and smack talk at each other. Anna was an okay volleyball player. She knew very little about the sport, but gave it her all. She wasn't much worse than us guys. 

It was nice to see her getting on so well with my friends. She talked to them as if she'd known them for years. After the game was over I volunteered to retrieve towles so that we could all relax on the beach. I picked up Anna's towle from the bedroom and several more from the closet. I put her towle to my nose again. It smelled marvelous. 

I know that sounds a bit freaky, but I just have a thing for smells. 

I ran up with all the towles in my hands and distributed them. I handed Anna hers last. She laid it out and invited me to sit beside her. I didn't disappoint her. We sat in various positions. Anna and I were leaning back, our arms stretched behind us. Our arms overlapped eachother. I had to lean over her to add to the conversation, which Im not fussing about. Her particular sent wafted through the air and into my nose. Undoubtably the best smell I 've ever smelled.

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