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Hello everyone I decided to add more between Micky meeting Anna that last chapter. so here are some fillers.

The next morning I got the kids ready in plenty enough time to get them out the door and onto the school bus in time. The day progressed just as the one before it had. I fed the houses inhabitants breakfast and received little appreciation for it.  Not everything was the same though. Say for instance Marshie and Peter both came in from the front door. Last night I hadn't known he was gone. Davy later told me that Peter left with Marshie to visit her family in a neighboring town. I guess they got hung up and had to spend the night. 

The day was just as boring and drab as the one before it. I kept myself busy cleaning up the messes of the other boys. But soon I had cleaned every square inch of the flat and the clock only read 12:34 A.M. 

"Mike..." I groaned. And threw my upper body over the back of the couch where Mike sat reading last week's newspaper. 

"What babe?" He asked flipping to the weather page. 

"I'm so bored!!!!" I groaned into the cushion.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" 

I stood up and sat on the back of the couch. "Call Anna and ask her to come play volley ball..." I said in a baby voice.

"You want me to call her now?" Mike asked a bit annoyed.

"Yep." I smiled.

Mike smiled and shook his head. "Naw, you're gonna have to call her yourself, babe." 

I groaned loudly and fell backwards onto the couch. I tumbled over myself onto the floor. 

"Please Mike!!!" I wined.

"Nope." He said calmly. I scowled and stood up. 

"Fine, I'll go call her myself!" I spat and walked off to find the phone. I found it in the chess box. I took it out and called the number tapped to the base. 

"Hello?" Anna asked. 

"Hey, Anna, It's me. I mean, uh, Micky." I stuttered. I nervous as all get out! 

"Oh Hello Micky! How are you?" She said with an audible smile.

"I'm great, how are you?" 

"I'm good." 

"Oh, uh, I was calling to ask you something."

"Ok, shoot!" She laughed.

I smiled and said, "Mike was wondering if you wanted to come down here today and play volley ball with us." As soon as the words left my mouth I wished I could take them back. 'Mike want to know...?' What idiot tells the girl he's trying to woo that her cousin is the one asking her out?!

"Micky, was it really Mike?" She laughed. 

I sighed loudly. "No..." I confessed. 

"Then yes! I'll be there!" She giggled. 

I laughed nervously. "Cool, so uh, just whenever is good for you, come on down." I said. 

"I'm leaving right now." She said and ended the call. 

I sighed, displease with myself, and walked towards the closet to retrieve the net. 

"I don't know how you got to be so bad at talking to girls." Mike said into his newspaper. 

"I know! It used to come so easy." I said in wonder. 

"Maybe it's just malpractice." Mike reasoned.

"I don't know. I think it's because back then I didn't have anything to worry about. If a girl didn't like me, it was about me. But now I have a daughter, and the girls only decide they don't want to be with me after they've met her!" I complained.

"I know, its hard, man." Mike said. 

"You don't know the half of it." I whispered. 

"I promise you, Anna wont leave you because of Lani." Mike sighed.

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"I just do." 

"Did you tell her about Lani?" I asked. 

Mike hesitated. "..yeah..." 

"You did?" I asked. 

"Of course! I wouldn't have set you guys up if I hadn't." Mike muttered.

"You're not lying to me are you?" I asked skeptically. 

"No, Man! I wouldn't lie to you!" Mike protested. 

"Okay, then i'll believe you, but if I find out you're lying I'll knock your head off." I said with a mischievous smile. I was only kidding, and he knew it. I would never hit my friends. 

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