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Anna ran into the flat around 6 O'clock.

"Micky! I had to speed to get here!" She said as she ran in. She ran up and sat beside me on the couch. "Why are you just sitting here?"

"I can't do anything else." I sighed.

"Sure we can! We have to." Anna pushed me up off the couch and stood up beside me. 

"No...I can't report them missing for two more days. I thought I knew who took them, but I he didn't take them. I don't have a clue who took them." I said sadly and sat back on the couch. Anna sat with me. 

"Okay, well tell me exactly what happened." Anna said lovingly. 

I took a deep breath and tried to remember what had happened. 

"I drove home kind of slow, because I was happy and I didn't want to drive away from you so fast." I started. 


"Yeah." I blushed. "Well, I drove up and I noticed the door was busted in. I ran in and started looking for everyone, but of course they weren't there. I called and called. No one answered. I went back to the door and saw that there was a note tacked to the door frame. It said that whoever wrote the note had taken my friends. So I drove to the police station, but they wouldn't help me. I came back here and waited. I almost fell asleep when a noise woke me up. I came out of the room and Doris, the man who was going to kill Lani, was at the door. After talking to him I'm convinced he had nothing to do with it. That's when I called you." I rambled.

"Okay..." Anna sighed. "You said there was a note. Where is it?" 

"Out in my car." I stood up and jogged out of the house I returned with the note in hand. 

"Here." I handed it to Anna. 

She read it out loud and gasped. 

"What?!" I asked. "What is it?" I asked. 

"Uh...um...I don't know." Anna said unconvincingly. 

"No I'm sure you thought of something, what is it?" I asked. 

"Well, I just thought I might know this handwriting." Anna said in a state of shock. 

"Whose is it?!" I asked.

"That's the problem." Anna laughed nervously. "I know it from somewhere, but I have no idea where." 

My hopes fell and I dropped down onto the couch again. "That's no help..." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Micky." Anna said apologetically. 

"That's okay." I dried a tear that threatened to spill over. 

"Come on!" Anna jumped to her feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"We are going to find them ourselves." Anna said as she walked out of my house. 

I jumped up to follow her. We got into her car and she drove around town the two of us keeping our eyes pealed for a large group of people on the streets of L.A.. It was even more impossible than it sounds. 

We didn't give up though. We stopped in several stores and asked people if they'd seen our family. No one had. Anna and I staid in town all day. The sun was well below the horizon when Anna invited me to her house for dinner and a safe place to stay the night. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Of course I'm sure." Anna smiled. 

"Okay. Could we just stop at the flat first?" I asked. I wanted to get some clothes and my typewriter. 

Anna dropped me off and staid out in the car to wait for me. I grabbed an over night bag and two changes of clothes. I stuffed them into the bag and grabbed my typewriter on the way out. 

I threw my stuff into the back of her car and took my place up front. 

Anna and I discussed our next move to getting my family back. We would type up a flier and post it around town. Like lost dog posters, but for people.

We typed up the flyers as soon as we reached her house. I typed all fifty copies! My fingers were numb and in pain by the end of it. Anna had fixed a dinner for us while I was typing. She brought me a bowel of Caesar salad drizzled with ranch and Parmesan cheese. 

I couldn't believe how good it tasted! I temporarily forgot about my situation. But only for a second or two. By the time the flyers were all finished and the salad eaten the clock read two A.M.. I was tired from the lack of sleep. I needed the sleep.

Anna must have noticed that I was drifting off because she rested a hand on my shoulder and shook me awake. 

"Come on, babe. It's time we got some sleep." She smiled to me. 

I stood with her and followed her to a bedroom. "This is the guest room." Anna directed. She kissed me goodnight and left me alone. The walk had woken me up. And now being awake I was scared. I laid in the bed and tried to keep calm, but I couldn't. Who had my family? My daughter? What were they doing to them? To her? Would they come for me? Would they come for Anna? I was frightened to the point of tears. 

Anna must have heard my crying, because she slipped quietly into the room and under the covers. She pulled me close to her and comforted me. I could tell that she was crying as well. It was part of her family that was missing as well. 

Anna petted my hair and kissed the top of my head, like I used to do when Lani would wake up from nightmares. I put my arms around Anna and held her close. 

"Don't leave." I sobbed.

"I wont." She cried into my hair. Her hot breath maneuvering through my curls. I couldn't handle the sadness in her voice. I wanted to fix it. But how could I when I couldn't fix my own hurt, and their causes were the same. 

I'm sorry this chapter was so crappy. Any thoughts on who stole eight people? Hehe! I know, who it is and I guarantee you'll be surprised!           

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