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Mike helped me set up the net as we awaited the arrival of his cousin. When I was confident the net was fixed perfectly Mike and I went back inside. 

"Hey Peter! Davy!" I called up the staircase. 

"Yeah?" Peter asked over the railing. 

"Do you guys wanna play volley ball?" I asked.

"Just a second." Peter turned back and walked to the bedroom door. "Everyone said yes!" He called down. I trotted upstairs in front of Mike. Peter and Davy had already dug out their swim shorts and were headed out of the room towards the bathroom to change. They raced to be the first one. Peter pushed Davy out of the way and locked the door after him. Davy pounded angrily on the outside of the door. I laughed softly and shook my head. 

Mike and I retrieved our swim shorts and left the room so the girls could change. They locked the door as we left to join Davy outside the bathroom. 

"We have uneven teams." Davy acknowledged.

"Nope." Mike shook his head. 

"Yeah we do Mike." Davy protested. "We got you, me, Micky, Peter, Chelsea, Marshie, Phyllis! Now that's seven people and that's an odd number!"

"No, you forgot someone."

Davy went over the numbers in his head once more. "Nope! I definitely didn't forget anyone!"

"You forgot Anna." Mike smiled.

"Oh your cousin!" Davy smiled.

"Yeah." Mike laughed.

"Oh then, the teams are even." Davy said contented.

I walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly. 

"Come on Peter, we all have to change!" I complained. 

"I'm not coming out." Peter said seriously. 

"Why not?" I asked desperately.

"These are NOT my swim shorts." He protested.

"What do you mean? It doesn't matter who's swim shorts they are, just get out here." I said. 

"Okay, but you promise not to laugh?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "I don't promise but i'll try not to."

Peter unlocked the door, He stood with a hand on his jutted out hip, frowning. I burst into a laughing fit. 

"What's going on?" Davy asked. He looked inside and saw Peter. He too began laughing hysterically. Mike leaned in to see what the fuss was about. He walked past us into the bathroom and stood beside Peter. 

"Now guys! I don't see what's so funny! It's just Peter in a girl's swim suit." Mike finally gave in and began laughing. 

"It's not funny guys!" Peter pouted.

"You're wrong my friend! It's hilarious!" I wheezed. 

"Come on guys! Stop!" Peter wined. 

"Okay, Okay we will but first let me ask you something." Mike tried to calm his laughter. 

"What is it Mike?" Peter asked. 

"How'd you get to be so pretty?" Mike asked batting his eye lashes. 

"Oh shut up!" Peter blushed. 

"Oh, stop being a sour-puss and go get changed!" Mike directed. Peter folded his arms and sulked his way out of the room. On his way out Mike slapped him on the bottom. Peter yelped in surprise and jumped up a bit. He turned around, clutching his bottom, and stuck his tongue out at us. T

The girls had already finished getting ready and were making their way downstairs. Peter locked himself in the bedroom and changed into his swim shorts. 

Davy and I looked to Mike who was smirking in the doorway. 

Mike nodded. "He likes it." 

We all laughed once more. And then we remembered that the bathroom was now empty. Davy and I jumped up and tried to push Mike out of the way.  Of course Mike won because he was on the inside. Davy and I pounded on the door and complained until he emerged. I was the last one to get dressed because Davy weaseled his way under my arm and got into the room first.   Curse his shortness!!!!  


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