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"Your daughter is so cute." Anna said as we drove.

"Thanks." I smirked. "She gets it from me you know!" I joked.

Anna giggled. "Right, right." 

"Thank you." I said seriously.

"For what?" 

"For staying." I elaborated. 

"Well that's something I'm good at." Anna said under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked. 

"Nothing." She smiled and laid a hand on my knee as I pulled into her driveway. A thrill trickled through me. It made me blush. 

"Well, thank you for taking me home." Anna said as she got out of my car. 

"You're welcome. I hope I'll get to do it again?" I asked.

Anna leaned in and kissed me. "Yes." She said into it.

I smiled as I pulled out and drove home. It was a long way home. Each minute I became more aware of the space that separated me from the girl of my dreams. It was a torturous expanse. 

When I pulled up to the house my smile faded. Something was off. The front door was wide open and the flat inside was pitch black. I parked and ran to the door. 

"Hello?" I asked cautiously as I stood in the doorway. 

No one answered me. 

I reached in and turned on the lights. When I saw the inside of m home, my heart fell. The room was awry. The tables and chairs were flipped and so were the couches and chairs. The cabinets were open and their contents all over the floor. Every drawer was taken out and dumped. I saw that our instruments had been smashed, my base drum had a giant hole in it.

"Guys!" I yelled.

No answer.

I ran in and up the stairs. There I found more destruction. The beds were flipped over and clothes were everywhere. 

Who did this? Surely not my friends. 

"This isn't funny guys!" I screamed. I was starting to get panicked. Where were they? Where was my daughter? Was she okay? 

Realizing that they were nowhere in the house I ran to see if they had gone out to the beach. I couldn't see them for miles. They wouldn't go that far at night. 

I raced to the front door. I had to get help. I stopped at the threshold. A note was tacked to the door frame. I swore it wasn't there before! I untacked it and looked around suspiciously.

The note read: 

Dear Occupant, 

Guess who!

-- A friend

My breathing deepened. 

"Come on, Mike!" I said to the night air. "Why are you doing this?" It had to be Mike, tricking me again. Why would he scare me like this though. He knows this is my worst fear!

I flipped the note over to examine it. 

Come get them!

It read in read pen. I was officially convinced it was not Mike. It wasn't a joke. There was only one person who had any reason to kidnap my friends and family. That man was Doris! What was his problem! A much better question would have been, How did he escape, but my mind was boiling. I wasn't thinking straight. 

I jumped into my car and drove as fast as I could to the police station. They could help me. Or so I thought.   

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