Chapter 9

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After they finish I grab the wedges Charlie tosses me and slip them on. I head back into my room and look at my full length mirror. Wow just wow. Before I can say anything there is a knock on the door to the suite. I look at the girls at they smile widely. I just roll my eyes and head to open the door. I stop and prepare myself before opening the door. I smile sweetly as the door opens revealing...


"Hey," I say sweetly as I open the door revealing Nick in a tight white shirt, revealing his delicious abs, and his famous ripped jeans and boots. If you were any human southern girl you would think he was a good ol' country boy. However, Nick is the total opposite. "Wow," he says shocked, with his perfect jaw dropping. I just giggle and roll my eyes at him. After he gains his composure he offers me his arm, which I gladly accept, and head off to wherever he plans on taking me tonight.

Just like the gentleman he is he opens the passenger side door for and helps me in he's 2015 sleek, black camaro. He shuts my door and heads off to the driver side and gets in. As soon as his door is shut the car is on and we are driving down the road within the same breath. I smile over at Nick as he removes his right hand from the steering wheel and brings it over to my thigh, rubbing soothing circles. I know he's not my mate but I can still feel something amazing when he touches me or holds me. It's easy to say that I'm in love with this boy.


Misha's POV


It's been a year since Jensen and I went to bring our mates home only to find their house abandoned. A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR!!! Knowing the girls they moved to another state or even another country. I will promise you this though. No matter how long it takes I will find them and bring them back no matter what. I will have my mate back even if I have to lock her up to keep her. Jensen feels the same about Charlotte.

'Alpha we have searched all of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas.,' one of my pack warriors, Dylan, linked me letting me know they are back at the pack house to recuperate before heading out to search again. 'Thank you for informing me. As soon as you've rested let the others know that a few others and myself will be joining the search' 'Of course Alpha it will be an honor' With that I close the link and continue studying the map of where they could have gone. They would be stupid not to run to cover with another pack. Thus the reason I'm calling every Alpha asking for my warriors to be allowed on their land in order to find my Beta and I's mates. Of course so far they all have allowed us to enter knowing what it means to find a mate. What they don't know is that Jensen and I' mates have gone into hiding. Hiding from us and knowing Ariella and Charlotte they won't be found unless they choose to be. I mean it took Ariella's daughter looked around three years old. Is it possible her pup could be mine? I mean I did fuck her real good over three years ago. There's a chance that pup could be mine. That gives me a thought?

'Jensen come to my office I have something urgent to ask you' I order through mind link. 'Right away' Jensen responds quickly. Before I could even link him back he was in my office. Damn talk about speed. Okay down to business. I ask Jensen to sit so we can talk about the situation at hand. "Jensen I have a personal question for you and I want you to answer truthfully to me," I tell him. Jensen looks at me confused but agrees. "Okay so I know your mate Charlotte has a little boy pup that's her own and my mate Ariella has a little girl pup that is her own. What I want to know is before Charlotte and Ariella went missing did you and Charlotte mess around," I ask him, not beating around the bush. He takes a deep breath before answering. "Yeah we did Misha. the night of our party. I was drunk and found out Charlie was my mate and I might have took advantage of her when I was fucked up," he admits to me. I just nod.


Aria's POV


"Nick that was so much fun. Thank you for taking me," I say out of breath from the line dancing we did. That's right we went line dancing. It was so much fun I couldn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time. I just smile at Nick as he smiles down at me. "I'm glad you had a good time tonight Arie because there's something I've been wanting to ask you for two months now and I just haven't had the courage to. I know right big bad Beta of the rogues scared of what a little girl would say," he chuckles embarrassed. I just smile sweetly at him. "Whatever it is Nick I'm sure it's not that scary," I assure him. He nods and takes a deep breath.

In one swift movement Nick is on the ground on one knee right in front of me. I gasp shocked of what I know is coming next. " Ariella Janelle Ried. Since the moment I met you I knew you were something special and not just because of your powers. It's because of the way you carry yourself and the way you treat yourself and others. Aria before I met you I was simply a man with no meaning until I met you and I'm proud of who I've become because of you. You have brought out the best in mean and I hope to bring out the best in you. I know I'm not your mate and you are not mine but I'm hoping you can forget about your past and live in the moment with Thea and I as a real family. Aria will you marry me," he ask as he pulls out a beautiful diamond ring.

I stare at Nick with my mouth wide open. I can feel tears starting to come down my cheeks. I can't believe what he's asking me. He want's to start a life with me. He want's Thea and I in his family.I can finally have what I've always wanted. My own little family. I finally look down and Nick with a huge smile on my face. "Yes," I squeal and Nick's face turns into a huge smile. He places the ring on my finger and picks me up, twirling me around like they do in the movies, I know right how cliche.

I smile as he sets me down on my feet and lean up on my tiptoes to kiss him. I finally found the man I'm suppose to be with, not some man that only wanted to treat me as a slave. I feel Nick pull me closer as our kiss deepens. His lips leave mine as they travel down my jaw and down my neck leaving love bites in their wake. I moan as he reaches where my shoulder and neck meet. I don't want to stop him but I know if we continue here we won't be able to stop. "Nick not here," I say through moans. He stops and looks at me with love. "Let's get to the pack house and you can stay with me tonight," he says with a smile. I just nod. With that we head off to the pack house for a even more fun filled night.


A/N: Ello my lovelies!! So what do you think about Nick and Aria? What about Misha and Jensen finally thinking about the fact that they could actually be the fathers of That and Roy? I mean we all know they are but still. Please don't be afraid to Comment -> Vote -> and Share!!!! All the love!!!

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