Chapter 8

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*1 Year Later*

"Ten! Ready or not here I come," I yell as I open my eyes to go and find Roy and Thea. It's has been a whole year since we left our beautiful home and moved in with Rob and his pack. Akiro has been training and is now Rob's third in command! He even got his own suite for him and his mate. Yes you heard right. I said mate! She's a little on the shorter side, standing at like 5'2. She has dark brown hair and big brown eyes that make Akiro just give into everything she ask. It's so funny to watch. She is on the shy side but you better watch out when you piss her off. Her name fits her perfectly. Karla Anne Rinker ... soon to be Karla Anne Reid, but don't tell her I said that.

As for Charlie. Well she's been hanging out with Rob's best tracker and younger brother. He is currently seventeen while Charlie, Akiro, and I are nineteen. However he just adores Charlie and Roy. Tyler, Rob's younger brother, never mate his mate. She killed herself when she was ten years old because her adoptive human parents were abusive. He was sad about it but it seems like Charlie and him should have been mates from the start. They are just so cute together and he just spoils Roy and Thea, who are both now four and a half.

Lastly there is me. Eleven months ago John moved to be with his Mom who is really sick, sadly leaving us as just friends. I truly did love him. We talk from time to time and he told me about him and his high school girlfriend getting back together. Yes John was older than me. Five years older than me. So when I was fifteen he was twenty. Anyways back to me. For the past nine months I have been close with Rob's Beta Nick or as I call him Klaus. He hates it because of my favorite show Vampire Diaries and its spinoff The Originals. My favorite person is Niklaus Mikalson (swoon). So when everyone else calls him Nick or Nicholas I call him Klaus. He said that he has never found his mate, something about he could tell when he was little that his mate had passed away as a baby. That had broke my heart. However he has been very protective over Thea and I. He treats Thea like his own baby girl.

Back to hide n seek. I quietly walk around the suite in search of Thea and Roy. I hear little giggles as I get closer to the couch. Knowing one or both of them are on the other side of the couch I sneak around and quickly grab whoever I can. I hear squeals of laughter and I look to see Roy in my arms. I pull him to me giving him a bear hug. " No no no Auntie Aria," he whines trying to get away from me. Not gonna happen. "I'll only let you go if you help me get Thea okay," I compromise. He grins and nods. We stay quiet as we listen out for my sneaky little girl. I head into my room while Roy walks into his and Thea's room. They got their room to share when Akrio got his own suite. So now Charlie and I have our own rooms.

I look all around my room. Nope not here. I slip out my room and into Charlie's to check. Nope still no luck. I sigh to myself as I head into Roy and Thea's room to see Thea and Roy asleep on Thea's princess bed curled up facing each other. Awe this is too cute I should take a picture. I quickly pull out my phone and take a few shots of how cute they look before I head out the room and into the living room. I plop down on the couch and turn the t.v. on. I flip through the channels until I see a movie I want to watch ... Despicable me. Don't judge I love the minions.


I yawn as the movie ends and look at the time 2pm. Wow better get the kids up from their nap. I head in a wake Thea and Roy up telling them to get ready to go outside. As soon as I said outside they jump up with wide eyes. They both scurry into their closet and get changed. I hurry to my room and slip of some comfy clothes and a pair of uggs. What can I say they are comfy on my feet.

As soon as we get outside the kids run right to the playground where all the other little kids are playing as well.I'm sitting there just watching them smile as they play when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. Automatically knowing who it is I lean into him and sigh content. Nick begins to nibble on my neck making me moan softly.

"Hey guys! What's up," Charlie ask as her, Tyler, Akiro, Karla, Rob, and Diana approach us. I smile at them as sweetly as I can. They just ruined a very good moment. "Nothing much. I just decided to take the kids outside for a bit and let them play," I tell Charlie casually. I finally look at her and laugh at what her shirt says."

Everyone burst out laughing while I just ignore them as usual. After a while they calm down and sit on either side of me as we watch the children play. We are all so intent on the kids that when Karla speaks up we all jump. "Um guys ... there's something Akiro and I have to tell you," she says lowly. We all look at her to continue. She gulps and looks at Akiro who nods at her encouragingly. She sighs and looks back at us, " I'm p-p-regnant," she studards out. We all smile at her and cheer. I'm going to be an Auntie again!!!!


"Can't I just wear jeans and a cute shirt," I whine for like the millionth time. Charlie and Karla just glare at me. Well jessh I was just asking. I plop on my bed and just grumble to myself," No one asked you guys to help. Nick and I are only going to out to eat. He told me to wear something comfy. Not something that will make me look like a whore." They stop searching through my clothes and walk over to where I'm sitting. "Aria enough! You are acting like a little kid. You and Nick have been dating for nine months now. He loves you so much and he adores Thea. He's not going to hurt you like that asshle did five years ago. So stop moping. We are picking you out something sext weither you like it or not," Chalie yells at me.She's right he does love me and I have strong feelings for him as well. Plus he thinks of Thea as his own.

"Here we are," the girls cheer as they found something they like. I look at what they have and gasp. There is hardly any fabric. It's a short black dress with it's middle completely see through with on thick strip of black in between it. " Go shower and put it on," Karla says as she pushes me to my bathroom. I do as I'm told and hop in the shower. I do my business and hop out. I quickly dry off and slip on the panties Charlie slipped me. I look for a bra and see that there isn't one. "Charlie," I yell out. "What," she yells back. "Where's my bra," I ask annoyed. "You don't need one for the dress. Now get your sexy ass in gear," she laughs as she yells back to me.

I sigh and slip the dress on. Yieks!! The dress is more revealing than I originally thought. . It's super tight revealing every inch of my body. Luckily the panties they picked out are super thin so you can see them through the dress.I unlock the door and allow them inside. They giggle as they push me into my make-up chair and begin working on me. So much for comfy. Karla does my make up while Charlie starts working on my hair making it somewhat curly.

After they finish I grab the wedges Charlie tosses me and slip them on. I head back into my room and look at my full length mirror. Wow just wow. Before I can say anything there is a knock on the door to the suite. I look at the girls at they smile widely. I just roll my eyes and head to open the door. I stop and prepare myself before opening the door. I smile sweetly as the door opens revealing...

A/N: Who do you think's at the door? What do you think about John leaving to help his mom and about him getting back with his highschool girlfriend and the fact that he was twenty when Aria was only fifteen?

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