Chapter 1

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"Aria come on time to get up," my best friend Charlie yells as she enters my room and pounces on me. "Charlie," I growl. God sometimes I wonder how we became friends but then I remember. Our mothers were best friends which led to us always being close, even in their wombs.

Hello everyone I'm Ariella Janelle Reid and I'm fifteen years old. I live with a bunch of other families in the middle of the woods. Most of the girls around here around Charlie's and I's age have already found their mates and are either pregnant or already have a pup.

Yes I said mate and pup. We are lycans or as you may call us werewolves. I find it funny that all these stories I have read about my kind are that we find out mates at a certain age. It's not true ... well at least not for girls. As for males it's kinda true. Once a male wolf turns eighteen he can begin to search for his mate.

Also about the turning at a certain age. Again not true. Charlie and I have had our wolves with us since we were born. At age nine we both transformed into them. We are the only girls to transform and a young age. Our pack thinks that is has to do with the fact that we were born the same day and time. 

"Ariella Janelle Reid are you even listening to me," Charlie yells in my face. I just smirk at her knowing it drives her insane. "Yes Charlotte Marie Rossi, I was listening," I smile at her. She narows her eyes at me and growls at me. "Hey hey little lady watch who your growling at," I warn. She just rolls her eyes at me.

That's it! I imagine a bucket of ice cold water above her head and smile as it appears. I look at her and watch as it pours onto her. I laugh as she screams. " No fair! We promised we wouldn't use our powers on each other." I just laugh at her.

Yes we have powers. We've had them since before we were even born, literally. The only ones that knew or know are our moms because they carried us around for nine months. We can make things appear out of thin air, control the elements, freeze things and time, orb or astroproject as you may call it, and we can speak all languages.

We aren't vampires, witches, or even hybrids. We are just your typical wolves. It's just that Charlie and I have powers and are more intelligent than the other werewolves around our age, male and female. Even more intelligent than the future Alpha, Misha, and the future Beta, Jensen.

"Charlie I'm sorry. You are absolutely right. I shouldn't use my powers. We are suppose to keep them under lock and key," I frown. No one is allowed to know of Charlie and I's powers. Charlie just nods," Tellement vrai soeur . Nous gardons cela pour nous jusqu'à ce que nous savons que nous pouvons leur faire confiance ." (So true sister. We keep this to ourselves until we know we can trust them. )

*5 Hours Later*

"Ari are you ready," Charlie calls from the bathroom we share in the pack attic. I sigh and look at myself in the broken mirror we have. Looking back I see a nerdy, anorexic, abused, scared, pale girl staring back at me. Where my eyes use to be a bright green filled with joy and curiosity now were replaced with a dull green depressed and stripped of life.

My hair looked lifeless and your normal, dull light brown. I looked hideous and disgusting. I feel that way too. Ever since the day that Charlie and I's moms passed away six years ago. The pack turned against us. Our fathers hate us just like everyone else. The only person that talks to us is my twin brother Akiro. It understandably I guess. I mean we were with our moms, out in the woods letting our wolves out, when hunters came. They shot at us with silver. Charlie and I were lucky to make it out without a scratch. Our moms weren't so lucky. They died a few weeks later from the silver poisoning their bloodstreams.

I quickly get the images out of my head and look at my costume for Misha and Jensen's eighteenth birthday party. Misha is Alpha Billy and Luna Caroline's eldest son and our future Alpha. With a name like Misha you would think a guy that looks sexy as hell and a total sweetheart. The sexy as hell part is the truth but he is a total player and asshole. Him and our future Beta Jensen are always with a different girl every night. I'm surprised they don't have an STD yet. I'd hate to be their mates.

"Ariella," Charlie yelled right in my face. " Huh wha," I ask confused. "Are you ready," She smirks. I look at my sexy joker costume that Charlie picked put. It actually looked good on me. I look back at Charlie and her sexy batman outfit and nod. "I'm ready."

*1 Hour Later*

Charlie and I have been dancing our asses off and giggling up a storm. The music suddenly stops as Alpha Billy and Luna Caroline enter along with Beta Jason, Beta Female Suzie, Misha, his two brothers and sister, and Jensen with his four year old sister. 

"Thank you all for coming tonight. As you all know today is the birthday to two very special people. My son and your future Alpha Misha and your future Beta Jensen," Alpha Billy cheers. All of our pack hots and sheers for the birthday boys. Not Charlie and I though. I look at her and roll my eyes and giggle. Big whoops. So they're turning eighteen like I care. I just continue to dance as the music starts back up. I ignore everything thing else around me as the music takes over my body. I sway my hips to the music and giggle as I see a couple of male wolves around my age have black eyes filled with lust. Oh well they ain't getting this.

I continue swaying when I feel tingles around my waist. 'Mate!' my wolf Akira cheers. I turn around and see the last person I expected. "Misha," I gasp. "Hello my little mate," he smirks and by the smell of liquor on his breathe I can tell he's drunk or at least really tipsy. I smile back at him. "Hello Misha." He pulls me closer to him and brings his lips down to mine. Is he really going to kiss me?! Misha, the future Alpha of my pack is going to kiss nerdy little me! I smile as his lips connect with mine. Our lips move in sync as his hands start to roam my body. I moan as I feel the sparks everywhere his fingers touch. After a few minutes Misha pulls away only to movie down to my neck. I moan softly as he leaves open mouth kisses on my neck. I could get use to this. Wait no what am I thinking? I hate Misha he can't be my mate. We hate each other. He is my main tormentor. I hate his guts!  

From innocent, naive little pup to kickass warrior princess {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now