Chapter 11

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1 Month Later


I punch and kick the practice dummy we have in the training room. I been at it for about three hours so far. I've been working my ass off like the Moon Goddess suggested. I still remember that talk like it was yesterday, and it's been almost year ... well more like the night that we ran from our home and to Rob's pack.




"My dear child it has been too long," a strange, beautiful woman says to me with a smile, I give her a confused look," I'm sorry but do I know you?" "Oh dear one. I'm the Moon Goddess. Mother of all werewolves and you my child. You and Charlotte are my daughters. My twin girls," she smiles at me. "Charlie and I were born the same day but we have different mothers. My twin is my brother Akiro," I tell her. She just continues to smile.

"My dear you and Charlotte are sister. Maybe not by blood but you are indeed twin sisters. Back when I wandered the earth I found my mate. He was the most powerful warlock around. I mated him within two weeks of knowing him. I fell pregnant with his children. Two very powerful little girls' Apalla and Cheyenne. Little did I know I was also carrying a third child. That's right I gave birth to two daughters and a son. From the day they were conceived we knew that girls would be very powerful. When the girls turned nine they transformed into their wolves for the first time but it was obvious that they had them since they were born. My little boy however was a different story. He was your normal werepup."

"So what you're saying is that you had triplets. Two girls and a boy and the girls we powerful? Powerful how," I ask.

"They had powers like their father but many more. They could control the elements, orb, freeze time, and many more powers. They were very powerful. We had to keep their powers under lock and key. Once they became of age they found their mates. Their mates rejected them after they mated partially. My girls ran away in anger. Little did they know that they carried part of their mates with them. What I didn't have the heart to tell my daughters what that they would have their mate but they wouldn't stay with them. They would eventually find someone to love truly and not because of the mate bond. These lovers would be the only ones that could contain the girls powers. They helped the girls strengthen their powers for the upcoming battle. Nick is yours and Tyler is Charlie's. There is a reason Nick and Tyler never got to meet their mates. Why they died at a young age. You girls meeting them is the reason."

"So you're telling me Charlie and I are the reason that Nick and Tyler never got to meet their mates? That they lost the love of their lives?"

"Yes sweetheart it's true. However, to ease your guilt I must tell you that their mates were going to reject them as well. It may not seem like it but there was a reason you and Charlie ran to where you did. You were destined to meet Nick and Tyler. As the time grows closer your bonds with them will grow stronger until they surpass the mate bond and they become your true mates. With Nick and Tyler by y'all's sides you two will become unstoppable. You and Charlie must be wary of the months to come. You can not stop what is yet to come but embrace it."

"Embrace what? Is there going to be a war and we have to embrace killing our current mates," I ask a little scared.

"My dear daughter. You will face your ex-mates however you will be able to use your powers on them once you and Charlie fully mate with Nick and Tyler. I can already see that Charlie will have no problem with that. It is you I am worried about. Just remember my dear when the time comes you'll know and you'll know the right thing to do," the Moon Goddess tells me with a sweet smile as she begins to fade.


Flashback Over


"Aria. Aria! Are you even listening to me," I hear a voice break me out of my daze.I look behind me to see Charlie. "Oh now you listen to me," she sighs annoyed. I just roll my eyes at her.

"Charlie I was thinking about a chat I had with someone very powerful and what they told me you and I have to do. I talked to the Moon Goddess a while back and she explained to me that we are the descendents of her children. The Moon Goddess mated to a very powerful warlock and has triplets. Two girls and a son. The son was said to be a normal wolf but the girls were very powerful even inside her womb. She explained the the girls found their mates only to be rejected. They soon found out they were pregnant from their mates as they had slept with them before the rejection. She explained that the rejection had to occur for her daughters to find their real soulmate. They wouldn't feel the connection straight away but they would be close and form a real bond of love. The true mates would have other mates as well that would die a young age. She told me that the true mates are the only ones that can help control our powers and they will gain powers of their own."

"What our true mates? Jensen and Misha weren't our true mates? You said our true mates lost their other mates when they were young. As in they were killed so we could be with them instead. Why am I getting the idea that our true mates are Nick and Tyler?"

"You're getting that feeling because they are," I tell her seriously.

"Okay so Tyler is my true mate but, I haven't felt my connection to him because it grows in time. Which means the more time I spend with him the stronger the bond between us grows. Well that explains why he just adores Roy. That also explains why Nick is always trying to please Thea. It all makes sense now," Charlie says with a smile.

I nod my head and get back to punching and kicking the dummy.


"Again," Nick commands as I create my twelfth wind storm in like twenty minutes. I'm exhausted and ready for a well deserved nap. I mean yeah the more I concentrated and grew angry the stronger the winds got but still. I can only take so much before I get wore out. I was practicing my fighting techniques against the dummy from four this morning until noon. After that I ran around the border twenty times, and let me tell you this Rob's land is not small. Then I went back to the workout room and tried to workout. Keyword try. Not even five minutes after I walked in Nick came in."There you are. I've been looking all over for you. You're training to control your powers is about to start," he tells me as he rushed me out of the room.

So here I am. It's midnight and I still training my powers. I haven't had a break to eat or anything and I feel like I'm about to ass out. I think nick finally noticed when he called time for the night. Thank god!

I hurry in the kitchen as soon as I enter the pack house. I head straight for the fridge in search of something yummy to eat. Right away I spot some pizza casserole that they had for dinner. I grab that and pop it in the microwave. I cook it for two minutes before I inhale it all. I place the plate in the sink and grab a huge glass. I add a lot of ice and fill it with cold water. I have to refill the cup like six times to quench my thirst. After I'm fully satisfied, I wash my dishes and head up to Charlie and I's suite. I check on Thea and Roy to see them passed out on Thea's bed with Spirited Away on their t.v. I smile and head to my room to take a well deserved shower.

Once I'm in my comfy night shorts and a training bra I climb in my cozy bed. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I feel myself dozing off when I hear my door quietly open. I open my right eyes a little to see Nick coming in freshly showered and ready for bed. I sigh and sit up as he enters my room.

"May I help you," I ask him innocently. He looks at me and smiles. He shuts my door and walks over the unoccupied side of the bed. He pulls his shirt of and hands it to me. I look at him confused. "I want you to wear it," he tells me with puppy dog eyes. I nod and pull it on while he climbs in the bed. I lay back down on my side facing my window and close my eyes. I feel Nick pull me towards him and nuzzle into my neck. I smile as we both relax and doze off for the next few hours.

A/N: Ello my lovelies! So what do you guys think about the talk between the Moon Goddess and Aria? Why do you think the Moon Goddess warned Aria for her and Charlie to be wary for the months to come? As always please Read->Comment->Vote-> and Share <3!! All the love xx.  

From innocent, naive little pup to kickass warrior princess {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now