Chapter 4

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"Thanks for coming Robbie," I smile as Rob, Diana, Thomas, Rob's Beta. Nick, his third in command, and a few others come in. "Sure thing baby girl. Now where is this trouble you told me about," he ask me seriously. I point right over to my ex pack. "Robbie they are the assholes from my old pack and my ex family except for my twin Akiro," I tell him . Rob just nods and heads over to them with everyone in tow. No one at the table notices us until Rob clears his throat.

"I hear you guys have been giving my girl some trouble," he says, giving them all glares. Jamie just scuffs at him," Oh please why in the world would my worthless excuse for a sister be your girl?" "Both Aria and Charlie are my girls. They are like little sisters to me and I don't appreciate people looking down upon my family," he growls at her in warning. Before anyone could say anything stupid I jumped in. "You assholes need to leave and never return or you will suffer. We don't need any of you and we don't want any of you here so go and stay gone," I warn them.

Before anyone could say another word I hear four little feet running towards us, " Aunie D! Aunie D!" Diana smiles down at Roy and Thea," Well hello my little munchkins and how have you two been today? You been good I hope." Thea and Roy smile innocently at their Auntie D. "Aways," they giggle in union. I just smile at they, they are just too cute."Eww who's bratz are they," I hear Jamie say in disgust. That's all it took for my anger to flare to the roof. I turn quickly to face her, eyes turning red and fire starting to form in my hands. "What the fuck did you just say," I shout, making everyone around flinch.

"Hey hey hey what's going on out here," Charlie yells coming out from the kitchen, arms filled with her customers food. She sits their food down for them and walks over to the corner where we are all standing. She spots the fire in my hands and hurries towards me. "Boobear what's wrong," she ask me panicky. When I don't answer her she looks to see why I'm pissed. Her expression turns to hate real quick. "What the fuck are assholes doing here," she snaps.

Jensen just chuckles at her. "Well well well if isn't my so called mate," he laughs making the others laugh along. Before Charlie can say anything I look to Diana. "Diana take the kids over to John and see if he can go get them some ice cream," I tell her. She quickly nods and takes off with Roy and Thea. I then turn back around to face the disgraces before me. "I suggest you all get the fuck out of my restaurant and out of this town before I get really angry and trust me you don't want to see me angry. You have already pushed it too far talking down about my daughter and nephew."

They all look at me shocked. "Daughter and nephew," Akiro finally ask. I nod," Yes Akiro I have a beautiful little girl who is almost three named Thea Danielle Reid and my very handsome little nephew Roy Allen Rossi who is Charlie's little boy and he is also almost three." "Who are their fathers," my so called father asked. "Roy's father was killed a month before Roy was born his name was Leroy James Geddings," Charlie chimes in. Oh how I miss Leroy. He was a really good friend of Charlie and I's before he was killed by hunters a month before Thea and Roy were born. Charlie was so depressed when Leroy was killed she really loved him. To show her love she named Roy after him. "As far as Thea is concerned John is her daddy. He has been there since day one and hasn't left. Roy and Thea both look up to him. He is the best father I could ever ask for for her," I tell them. With that I walked off to the kitchen, Charlie in tow as Rob and his boys escorted those pricks out. Hopefully they never come back.

*5 Hours Later*

"Mummy Mummy Mummy," Thea squeals to get my attention. I smile at my adorable little girl. Her curly light brown hair bouncing around her bright green eyes full of life. She looked just like me. Just like Roy looked like Charlie inside and out. "Yes Thea," I coo. Sing sing sing," she cheers as she climbs into her princess bed. I smile at her. "Of course princess. Anything for you." I take a deep breath and begin.

When tomorrow comes I'll be on my own Feeling frightened of The things that I don't know When tomorrow comes Tomorrow comes Tomorrow comes

And though the road is long I look up to the sky In the dark I found, I stop and I won't fly And I sing along, I sing along, then I sing along

I got all I need when I got you and II look around me, and see sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Can't stop my heart when you shinin' in my eyes Can't lie, it's a sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Cause you're my flash light You're my flash light, you're my flash light

I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top I'm not the afraid when the rain won't stop Cause you light the way You light the way, you light the way

I got all I need when I got you and II look around me, and see sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Can't stop my heart when you shinin' in my eyes Can't lie, it's a sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Cause you're my flash light You're my flash light, you're my flash light I got all I need when I got you and II look around me, and see sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Can't stop my heart when you shinin' in my eyes Can't lie, it's a sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin' me, gettin' me through the night Cause you're my flash light You're my flash light, you're my flash light

I smile as I come to an end and see my pride and joy fast asleep with a peaceful expression. I peck her forehead before I walk quietly out of her room, closing the door behind me. I yawn once I step out the door and rub my eyes. Well I guess it's off to bed with me too. With that thought in mind I walk off to my room ready to meet my warm comfy bed for the rest of the night.I plop right onto my bed and close my eyes straight away. What a tiring day.



From innocent, naive little pup to kickass warrior princess {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now