Chapter 7

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A/N: I imagine Aria as Phoebe Tonkin but with lighter brown hair.

Misha appears from the dark forest across the street with my so called family. I just roll my eyes. Of course he would bring them. If he thinks that killing them in front of me will make me change my mind then think again. They treated me like shit just like everyone else. I take a deep breath as prop against my car waiting for him to reach where I stood.

"You rang," I says sarcastically as they approach me. Misha gives me a warning glare but I just brush it off. "I'd watch that tone of voice little mate. I can't control my wolf around you," Misha tells me in a serious voice. I just ignore him and look at the sky. "LOOK AT ME,"he growls storming over to grip my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

My anger builds in me as well and I can feel my powers radiating from my body. I know I may not be able to kill Misha but I can show him I'm not to be messed with. I feel my anger boil and my hands catch on fire. Everyone around us gasp as my whole body engulfs into flames. "What the fuck is happening to her," I hear Jensen yell to Misha who is looking at me in amazement. I growl at him and picture the flames from my body zooming towards him. In a matter of seconds he is the one engulfed in flames but they can't hurt him. Once everyone is staring at Misha I orb into my car and start it. Before I can leave the parking lot Misha is in the passenger seat.

"STOP THE CAR," he booms. " No," I shout back. I imagine the door opening and him flying out it. Just as I imagine it happens. I mentally close the door again and zoom out of the driveway. I don't stop at the stop sign as I hurry back home.


"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you? You look like you just escaped a mob of directioners chasing after One Direction," Charlie laughs at me as I catch my breath. Once I calm down I answer her. "Charlie we need to leave. We need to take the kids and Akiro and head to Robert's pack house. Misha threatened them. I won't let him hurt Thea and Roy," I tell her in a rush. She understands and nods quickly before dashing off to get Roy and herself packed. I rush to Thea and I's room and pack as much as I could in her duffle before I begin packing mine.

Once Thea and I are packed I rush our things to the car and toss them in the trunk. I hurry back in and head to Akiro's room. I don't even bother knocking and just barge in. Thea, Roy, and Akiro are all on his bed laughing about something on the t.v. He finally looks at me and jumps up worried. "Aria what's wrong," he ask. "Akiro you need to pack a bag. We are going to be staying at Robert's pack house for the time beings," I tell him and leave it at that as I usher Roy and Thea out of the room and down stairs to the kitchen.

I peel each of them a banana and cut it up, placing it on their plates. I let them munch as Akiro finishes packing and tosses his stuff in the trunk of his car. Yes he has a car too. We all do. Once the kids finish their snack I take their plates and wash them. I quickly dry them and put them away before scooping up Thea as Charlie grabs Roy. We hurry out to our cars and place them in their carseats. I make sure Thea is buckled safely before I hop in and drive off to Rob's pack house with Charlie and Akiro behind me.


It's dinner time when we finally unpack what few things we brought. Thankfully Rob had a spare suite that we could occupy. Yes I said suite. The pack house has lots of little houses inside of it for the different families here. The suite consist of three or four bedrooms with each bedrooms own bathroom plus the half bath. It also has it's own kitchen, living room, and laundry area. If the person is single or has yet to find their mate, besides the Alpha and Beta, they either share a suite with other non mated weres of the same sex or live on the second through sixth floor where they only have their own room and bathroom. Oh yeah did I forget to mention that the pack house is like thirteen stories high? No joke. It's that huge and there still isn't enough room for all of the pack. So some families have their own homes as well as little stores to bring in an income. They might be rogues but they stick together like a real pack.

I plop down on my comfy queen size mattress and sigh in contentment as I finally get to relax. I had to put all of mine and Thea's things away plus sit up her playpen to sleep in while we're here. Beings that we only have three rooms Thea is sharing my room and Roy is with Charlie.

'Aria get your ass out here. Dinner is ready. You too Akiro' Charlie group linked us. 'Yes Mum' Akiro and I chuckled. I shake my head and head out to the kitchen/dining room for dinner. "What's for dinner," I ask from right behind Charlie. I fight back a laugh as she shrieks. She spins around and hits my arm, kind of hard I might add. "Don't scare me like that ever again. Do you understand me," she warned. "you told us dinner was ready, " I say, putting my hands up in defense. She just glares at me for a bit before returning to placing the food on the plates.

I catch Thea and Roy and place them into their highchairs as Charlie puts the plates on the table. We sit and enjoy some mac n cheese and hotdogs with ice water. It tasted so good I just couldn't get enough. I let out a low moan in satisfaction. I didn't realize I did so until Akiro and Charlie burst out laughing like they were crazy. I just roll my eyes at them. Such children.

Once we finish eating I take Thea to our room and get her ready for her bath. I pick out a cute purple onesie and grab a pull-up and head to the bathroom with Thea. I get the water warm enough and strip Thea down from her messy clothes from her dinner. This girl loves anything with cheese. I place her in the tub/shower and wash her body and hair. Once I'm done I pull her out and dry her off. I put her pull-up and onesie on and place the towel on the rack. I grab her brush off the counter and brush her soft brown curls. I put the brush back and carry her out the bathroom. I hear a soft yawn and feel her snuggle deeper into my neck. Not even a minute later and I can hear soft snores coming from her nose. It's super cute.

I place her in her playpen and grab her Sophia the First blanket and place it ontop of her. I watch as she snuggles into the blanket and continues to snore softly. I head quietly out of the room to see Charlie, Akiro, and Roy in the living room. I look at Charlie confuse.She understands and sighs. "He won't sleep ," she tells me. I look at Roy with a huge smirk on my face. "Roy," I call. He looks at me with a huge grin on his face. He jumps up and runs towards me. I pick him up and kiss his cheek. "Did Mumma give you a bath," I ask him. He nods in response. "Do you want Auntie Aria to put you to bed," I ask him. Once again he nods. I hear Akiro chuckle and Charlie growl softly, mumbling something that I can't understand.

I head into Charlie's room and sit in the rocking chair in the corner with Roy in my arms. No matter how he gets he loves to be rocked to sleep. Charlie just lays him down expecting him to fall asleep. I mean yea he falls asleep after an hour or two. I just decide that if he likes to be rocked to sleep then rock him to sleep.

I sit down and begin rocking Roy with his head resting near my heart so he can calm down. I remember reading a book when I was pregnant with Thea about a good way to calm a baby down is to place them close to your heart. It's suppose to soothe them. I begin rocking back and forth, patting Roy's bottom while softly humming. I sit them for not even thirty minutes before I look down to see he is passe out and holding onto my shirt with his little fist. I stand up carefully and head over to his playpen. I place him in there softly and pass him his Jar Jar blanket. Yes he loves Star Wars, just like his Auntie Aria.

From innocent, naive little pup to kickass warrior princess {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now