Chapter 16

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5 Months Later


"Okay guys this is what we've been preparing for. We can do this," I yell to my pack as we prepare for battle.


Earlier that day


"Mommy can I hold Eli," Thea ask giving me the pouty lips and puppy eyes that no one has ever been able to say to her because of.

I sigh. Well she is almost five. She should be able to care for her seven month old brother without hurting him. I finally look back at her and nod. I make her sit down before handing Elijah over to her.

"Hello Elijah Daniel Snow. My name is Thea Danielle Reid and I'm your big sister. I am four years older than you. Don't worry Eli I will always be here to protect you like your daddy does to Mommy, you, and I. You don't understand me yet Eli but one day you will. Mommy says you're just too little right now. Uncle Robbie calls you his special little buddy because you were the first pup born into this pack in years. Not long after Mommy had you Aunt Charlie and Uncle Tyler had twins babies. Both little boys like you! They named them Dale Austin Jenkenson and Blake James Jenkenson. Aunt Karla and Uncle Akiro had twin boys too! They named them Austin Glenn Reid and Brandon Samuel Reid. They are all our cousins. There is also Roy. He is older than you just like me. Aunt Charlie had Roy when Mommy had me. Roy and I don't know our daddies like you little ones will but Roy thinks of Uncle Tyler as his daddy and I thinks of your daddy as my daddy too. I love you Eli," my little girl rambles on to her little baby brother.

It's just too cute that I have to pull out my phone and snap a quick picture of my two babies. They are just growing up way too fast.


"Open up," Charlie coos as she tries to get Blake to open his mouth for the baby food. I don't blame him. That stuff is awful smelling. God only knows what it taste like. I feed Eli real food like mashed potatoes, applesauce, pudding and things like that.

"Charles you ain't gonna get him to eat that," I giggle at her. She glares at me.

"Well if you're so good at feeding little boys then you go right ahead," she growls at me.

"Well don't mind if I do," I smirk at her as I grab a giggling Blake and carry him into the kitchen with me.

I place him in his bouncy chair on the island counter while I raid their fridge and cabinets. BINGO! Applesauce. I grab it from the cabinet and grab a baby spoon and bowl. I pour some into the bowel and put the rest in the fridge. I grab the spoon and bowl and head over to Blake.

"Open up Blake. I got some yummy applesauce," I smile at him.

Right away he opens up his little mouth and I place a little bit in his mouth to see how he likes it. Once he finishes what's in his mouth he opens it up again waiting for more. I laugh and give him a little more applesauce.

I giggle as I hear an annoyed Charlie growl in frustration. Blake is another version of Roy. When Roy was a baby Charlie had trouble getting him to eat. Yet every time I went to feed him he ate like a champ.

"What can I say Charles. Blake spoke his peace. He wanted real food not that nasty smelling gunk," I smile innocently at her. She just rolls her eyes at me.


Thirty minutes before


"All women and children into the cellar and deadbolt the door," Rob yells as we hear howls in the distance signaling a war was about to come into action.

I did as Rob ordered and led all the women and children into the bunker. I looked to Diana before giving her a weak smile. She knew right away what I was going to do.

"Diana look after Thea and Elijah while I fight. You know I have to do this D. We need the advantage," I tell her with sad eyes. She just looks back at me with tears in her eyes.

"D can you and Karla look after Roy, Dale, and Blake as well. Aria and I have to help our pack. Our family," Charlie chimes in.

We look at each other knowingly then back at D and Karla. They knew we had to do this. Our powers can make our pack win.We have no choice. We have to fight. We have to win.




'Let's do this!' I link Charlie as we run into the battle.

I feel my body heat up as I begin shaking the down to create a break the ground apart creating a pit straight to hell. Nick, Rob, Tyler, and Akiro try to keep the enemies off of us as we start creating strong winds and lighting trees on fire, still in our human forms.

I can feel my body growing tired from using much more power than I'm use to. Charlie must have noticed as she grabs my hand fueling my power. I look at her and smile. She smiles in return.

I'm broke out of my head when an enemy wolf tries attacking me. I'm quick to dodge him and send a quick, hard kick to his mid area as he tries to land on me. I hurry behind him and grip his huge head in a submissive lock as best I can. I really don't want to kill anyone but if it's them or me I'm gonna choose me. I feel the wolf stop struggling indicating that they have passed out.

I look around the fight looking for a sign on who would want to harm us. It is then that I spot two all familiar wolves. Charlie must have spotted them too as I hear her growl loudly. Misha and Jensen.

Without a second thought I transform into my wolf knowing that I can't use my powers to kill him. I run as fast as I can over to where they are without them knowing it. I feel Charlie hot on my tail as I tackle Misha to the ground.

Ignoring the sparks I growl at him in warning to leave my pack alone. He just chuckles. 'Well well my little mate aren't we a little naughty.' Misha links me. I growl out at him. 'Fuck you Misha' 'Yes you can my little mate' 'I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You and all your STD glory' I snarl at him.

Somehow in all our conversation we had changed positions. He had me pinned to the ground with his snout in my neck. I let out a whimper as he nips at my neck.

'Now now my little mate. I have missed you. You need to submit now. We can take our daughter and leave with Charlie, Jensen, and their little boy. All the other women, men, and children will be killed in front of you before we leave.'

Just like that I lost my sanity. No one is going to hurt my pack. No one is going to hurt my family and sure us hell no one is gonna hurt my babies.

With that I flip us back over with all my strength. I growl loudly making the winds pick up ten four as I bite down hard into Misha's neck. I rip and tear at him until I hear his heart growing faint. Never again will I have to deal with Misha and his threats.


Hello lovelies! So I thought what a way to bring this story close to it's end. Don't worry though there will be a second book!!! It will be the lives of the children. Mainly Thea and Roy. What do you think about Aria killing Misha? As always don't forget to READ -> COMMENT -> VOTE -> SHARE! All the love xx.  

From innocent, naive little pup to kickass warrior princess {Wattys2016}Where stories live. Discover now