Chapter 8

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We stood on the side of the road, the five of us in a circle, beside the black cars that had gotten us here. Everyone was suited up and ready to go.

"Are you ready?" asked Thor, looking at everyone. We all nodded and he looked to the sky.

"Hiemdall, when you're ready." He called out and in a second the column of light shot out of the sky and engulfed us. It was the oddest and most exciting feeling. The light had ever changing colours that looked beautiful, and adrenaline coursed through my veins as we flew. In seconds it was over, and we landed in a gold dome that was decorated in intricate patterns across the walls.

I could see Asgard through the door over the other side. I watched everyone else's faces as they came through the portal. Everyone's jaw dropped as they saw the city of Asgard. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even realize the gatekeeper, Hiemdall, observing us. I couldn't read his expression.

"So this is the infamous Skadi causing mischief with Loki." He said in an unimpressed voice. I flashed a small smile before slowly slipping behind the group.

"Where is the group?" asked Thor.

"Their all waiting in the throne room for you my king." He replied. Thor nodded and took off in a fast paced walk towards Asgard. The rest of us had to jog to keep up with him.

In no time at all we were walking into the throne room. Beside the throne stood the four warriors who I was well accustomed too. I stayed at the back of the group, trying to be inconspicuous. But the moment the warriors faces saw me they grew hard.

"What's she doing here?" asked the lady.

"It's okay Sif, she's going to help us find Loki." He reassured her. I gave a small smile to show her I mean it, but she returned it with a scowl.

"Anyway, Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral. These are my friends from Midgaurd, Natasha, Clint and Steve." He said gesturing to everyone, except me. "Their here to help stop Loki."

"We will also help." Said Sif.

"No, you must stay here. I need someone to be here in case Loki gets back before we do." He said firmly. She looked slightly downtrodden, but nodded in agreement.

"What about her?" She asked looking at me. Everyone turned and looked at me, and my eyes widened.

"We have and agreement." Thor informed them. Everyone turned back to look at Thor except for Sif. I winked at her with a smirk and she looked even more uncomfortable. The conversation finished and Thor lead us back to the golden gate.

"Now you keep your part of the deal, and we will keep ours. Where is Loki going and what's his plan?" Thor ordered, turning to me.

"And don't even think about lying." Added Steve.

"Loki, well, it's a good story about him and all his crazy ideas." I said slowly, trying to delay the impending doom. But the look on their faces told me todo otherwise. "He plans on taking the Casket of Ancient Winters to the Frost Giants and using it to bribe them to help him take over Asgard. He tried to do it before without the Casket but they attacked him and he escaped and landed on Earth." I paused to look at their reactions but each of their faces remained expressionless. "But if that plan doesn't work... again. I think he might just use the Casket thing and freeze Earth." I looked down at the last word, to scared to make eye contact. Clint and Natasha shared a look and Steve sighed.

"And  you're okay with that, Loki freezing Earth?" Clint asked. I shrugged.

"We made a deal, I would help him, and he would get me to Asgard. And it's not like it would affect me." I muttered. They all looked a bit confused, and I remembered none of them had seen my ice yet. I kept my face expressionless but smiled on the inside. Boy, were they in for a surprise.

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