Chapter 5 - Swan dive

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On the way home I started thinking about the show my friends were talking about wondering if I should check it out. I popped into a local video rental place and asked the teenage girl at the counter for the first season. "Rewatching"? she asked me cheerfully. "No, first time. Some friends told me I had to." I replied with a laugh. "Oh my god your gonna love it, they are so hot." "So I keep hearing". I thanked her and grabbed the DVDs and some candy and took off in the direction of my place.

It had started to rain softly so I pulled up my hood and kept my head down as I walked. I was nearly home when of course I tripped on a power cable laying on the sidewalk and went sprawling on my face. Into a mud puddle.

Graceful as ever I thought to myself. Groaning from the fall and having the wind knocked out of me I looked around to see if anyone at seen my epic swan dive when a hand reached down to me. "Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm ok, I just tripped on..." I froze as I looked up to see my mystery man holding his hand out. Again. While I was red faced and embarrassed. Again.

"We have to stop meeting like this" he said helping me up. I could just imagine what I looked like, soaking wet and covered in mud. "Believe me I hope it's the last time." I muttered trying to smooth my hair out of my face. A look of surprise and hurt flashed across his face before I realized what I had said. "N-no I didn't mean, I meant you always finding me on my knees. I mean- oh my god." I wished I could just crawl back into the mud puddle and let it swallow me whole. He let out this deep throaty laughter and grinned down at me. "It's ok I know what you mean. I'm so sorry about the equipment I'll let someone know so they clear the sidewalk." I was surprised and looked around. "You're working on this thing" He sort of chuckled and looked almost sheepish. "Yeah we're here for a week filming" My wet hair started dripping down my face and he took a step closer and brushed my bangs of my forehead. My breath caught in my throat as he took my face in his hands and turned my head. "It looks like your getting a bruise here, are you sure your ok?" The look of concern on his face was enough to remind myself to breathe. "I promise, I just need a shower and some sleep and I'll be fine" I said with more confidence than I felt. "Jared! We need you on set!" Someone yelled and he turned his head. "I gotta get back to work" He said almost sounding disappointed. "Yeah I should get home" I said realizing I was still standing in ran. "Be careful ok." He turned and headed back across the street. I turned and started up the stairs when he called out to me. "By the way it was nice to see you again Bree." I blushed and gave him a little wave before he turned and disappeared behind all the equipment. I turned and hurried into my apartment. Leaning back against the door. I didn't care that I was getting a headache or dripping onto the floor. I couldn't believe remembered my name.

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