Chapter 48 - Closure

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~ A/N ~

BTW As I'm sure you've noticed I have no proofreader other than myself so if there's any mistakes they're my own.

Also I sincerely apologize if any of the Spanish is incorrect. I used google translator and I don't know how accurate it is.

~ Bree POV ~

I knew it. As soon as I lifted the lid he jumped to his feet, freaking out. I swear I could see the veins in his necks pop out. "Holy fuck?!" "Just calm down and let me explain, it's really not that bad." He started shifting from one foot to the other, almost like he was rocking himself. "What'd you mean not that bad? What the hell are you doing with a gun?!" He was yelling now which honestly, I expected worse. "Listen to me. I only have it to protect myself. It was a last resort if I needed it. Besides you've been handling guns for what, the last eleven years?" He huffed out a breath and muttered something that sounded like 'props'. Then his eyes popped and he started babbling. "Do you know how to use it-have you fired it-have you-." "Shhh. Yes. I know how to use it and yes I've fired it. Before you ask, no, I've never shot anyone."

He looked like he was on the verge of panicking. I put the box beside me on the bed and quickly closed the distance between us. I had to stand on my toes but I managed to wrap my hands around the back of his neck to pull his face closer. "I want you to listen to me okay. Nothing is going to happen to me."
He closed his eyes and pulled me tight against his chest. "Just the thought of something taking you away from me I-" his voice broke and I felt a shudder rip through his body. "I wouldn't survive it." Something broke inside of me when he said that. The idea of him not existing left me gasping for air. My lungs turned into one solid mass and I couldn't remember how to breathe. I don't remember him picking me up but suddenly he was laying me down on the bed. He lay down on his side facing me and I shifted until I was tucked against him. I curled in tighter until his body was half draped over mine. The weight and heat of his body was the best therapy in the world.

I knew that my need for physical proof that he was safe and real and here with me should make me feel needy and slightly pathetic but
it faded away with every squeeze of his arms and soft whisper of assurance. I didn't feel at all embarrassed or ashamed of these feelings though. If anything it solidified the depths of what I felt for him. He accepted all of my flaws and baggage and he loved me. He loved me.

When I opened my eyes again the room was darker and slightly cooler. The sun had begun to set. We were in the same position, his arms locked around me and my face pressed into his chest but when I looked up at him he was awake. Smiling down at me with a look of peace and contentment. "Watching me sleep like a big ole creeper?" He laughed softly and smiled that dimple showing, panty dropping smile that melted every part of me. "Absolutely." I sighed deeply, not wanting to ever move from this spot. "I wish we could stay just like this forever." His sigh followed my own and I felt his chest expand and contract and I breathed him in. "Me too." Resigned to the fact that we both knew it was a fruitless wish he rolled onto his back while I sat up and stretched. "C'mon, let's get outta here."

I finished grabbing what I wanted to take with me and watched as he eyed the metal lock box still sitting on the side of the bed. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of it." He didn't say anything about it, just picked up my duffle and smiled as he headed outside. "I'll wait in the car, take your time." He closed the door behind him and I looked around one last time. It was starting to hit me that I wouldn't be returning to this little shack that had been my home for years. I grabbed the box from the bed and walked towards the door without another glance. I didn't need to commit this place to memory, it was just another part of my past. I opened the door and walked towards my future.


The drive back to town was a lot less tense than the one earlier. Of course all his tension returned when we pulled up beside the little illegal-package-delivery-service/restaurant I used. I turned to look at him and squeezed him. "Probably best if you stayed here."
He was already unbuckling his harness and opening the door. "That's not gonna happen."
Pushing anymore would be pointless because I knew he was in protective mode. I lead the way around the side of the building and stopped in front of the door. I took his face on my hands and made him meet my gaze. "Don't say a word okay. Just stand behind me and act tough of something. So fast it was like someone flipped a switch, I watched him immediately become 'Sam Winchester: badass hunter extraordinaire and saviour of humanity. The protectiveness was comforting and put me more at ease, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't have the ability to look scary as shit.

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