Chapter 11 - Static

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I couldn't sleep. My mind just would not shut up, and it flew from one thing to another so fast I couldn't think the first thing through. I wondered why he asked me out and why he was so nervous and and what I would wear to work tomorrow. By the time I drifted off I was thinking about male seahorses. Damn you Wikipedia.

Ugh. I don't think I've ever hated my alarm clock anymore than I did now. I felt like crap and the bags under my eyes proved it. I decided on a normal black pantsuit now that my weird mood from yesterday had faded and threw my hair up in a bun. I didn't usually wear makeup everyday but it would just be cruel to inflict my dark circles on innocent people. I was running a bit late so I decided to wear flats so I could speed walk (as if that's an actual sport). Making it by the skin of my teeth I sneakily slid past the empty front desk into my office and finally took a deep breath. I actually felt a little ridiculous for getting so worked up about being five minutes late when no one was around to reprimand me. I had this irrational fear of letting people down and felt super guilty for the littlest things. I sifted through my usual emails and messages too quickly and begrudgingly started ironing out some of the details for that stupid awards party. I groaned loud enough that Brit poked her head into my office.

"Everything ok hun?" "Yeah it's just this awards thing, I really don't wanna go." She looked at me like I had grown another set of eyes or something. "Are you crazy, I would kill to go to that party." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's gonna be so fancy and you get to wear a fabulous dress and go in a limo. Plus these parties are a really big deal with celebrities, oh my god I wonder who's gonna be there." She looked so excited I couldn't help but giggle a little. "If it makes you feel any better I wish it was you going so I could stay home and eat cake in my onesie. She laughed with her whole body but I could still see that 'your insane' look in her eyes. Yeah this party's gonna suck.

I was starving when I got home so immediately put on some music (Chvrches) and started putting together some dinner. I was in the mood for comfort food so I was relieved that I had gotten groceries earlier in the week and had everything I needed to make a lasagna.

I had just opened a bottle of wine and sat down to eat when my intercom buzzed. I got up to answer trying to remember if Jules said she was coming over. I hit the button and spoke into the little box. "Hello" I waited and heard a mans voice through the scratchy speaker. "Static - Um- is this-crackle. Damn piece of junk. I went to the living room and threw the window open and stuck my head out. "Hello." I called out looking down at the sidewalk. It was getting dark and there was just the low lights coming from the street lamps so I couldn't see well but a man stepped back from the door and looked up. I broke out in a cheesy grin and waved when I saw it was Jared. "Hey." He yelled up with a big smile. "What are you doing right now?" He yelled up still smiling. "I was just about to have dinner." He looked down for a second. "Oh ok I won't keep you then." He looked back up at me and looked a little sad. "Um do you- I mean are you hungry?" What was I doing inviting a (almost) complete stranger into my home. He broke out in another cheeky grin and just nodded. I popped back inside and stood there for a second shaking my head.

I went over to the intercom and pressed the button to open the door downstairs. Oh my god. I whirled around and frantically starting searching my apartment for anything embarrassing. Whew. I was thanking the stars that I had straightened things up the day before. I heard a soft knock on my door and took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together. I tried to look casual and relaxed as I opened the door but my heart was pounding so hard I was worried he would hear it. Bracing myself I opened the door.

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