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That was the best weekend I've ever had. My mood dampened when I realized I had to go to school. It hasn't been that bad actually. Every once in a while I would get harassed, but other than that people would leave me alone. I was lonely during school, but I always looked forward to going to Dan's to watch the guys practice.

I would go to Dan's at night if I feel lonely or I just need someone to vent to. He's been there for me and I'm so happy has been. We would talk about whatever is bothering me or just whatever and watch movies or some tv. He would comfort me, embracing me in his warm and strong arms. He would tell me how much of nice and sweet person I am and how much he cares about me. I've never fully understood why, but I've always been grateful.

Months pass and I'm standing in a line next to a handsome guy. His robe is red as mine is white. He has many cords around his neck, indicating his many academic achievements. His cap sits proudly on his head.

I don't have many cords like him. I've never been one to exceed the requirements. My cap sits crooked on my head. I keep adjusting it to sit correctly, but it's too big and it just falls back down.

"Alright, you're next," one of the teachers direct us.

We link our arms and start walking out into the middle of the large gymnasium. The chairs are half occupied with graduating students. Our names are called and where we are going to college and our achievements are announced.

"Blake Mouzer. Studying engineering at University of Oklahoma in America," says the superintendent of our school. He continues on with his achievements. Then, he announces my name.

"Sarah Rayburn," is all he says when there is loud cheering coming from a section in the bleachers. I look up to find the people cheering for me. I smile. Dan, Will, Kyle and Woody are standing up, cheering and clapping.

Everyone is quiet except for them. I didn't know they would come. I'm glad they did though. My parents didn't even cheer for me.

The superintendent continues through their cheers, explaining that I'm studying photography at Leeds. He sounds irritated. Nobody else cheered for their graduating friend or son or daughter.

Blake and I split up when we get to the row we were assigned to. He goes to one side of the isle and I go to the other. I sit next to another guy. His hair is brown and curly. His eyes are an electric green with glasses sitting in front of them.

"Are those guys here for you?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I say, smiling.

"I'm Dylan," he says, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Sarah," I say, shaking his hand.

"How come I've never heard of you before?" he asks.

"I'm nobody important," I say. "I've never been popular and most people don't like me."

"Obviously people like you," he says, gesturing to the guys in the bleachers.

"I got lucky with them. Most people that I go to school with don't like me," I say.

"So far I don't have a problem with you," he says. "You're a nice, sweet person."

"Thanks," I say.

He smiles at me. "You're going to Leeds?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "Where are you going?"

"Leeds," he smiles.

"That's wicked!" I say. I blush, realizing that I used Dan's vocabulary. I have spent too much time with him. "What are you studying?" I ask, trying to hide my blush.

"English lit," he says.

"I know someone who studied that," I say.

"Really?" he asks.

"Yeah, he's up there," I say, pointing up at my friends.

"Could I talk to him? I'm pretty nervous about it," Dylan says.

"Of course," I say. "He wouldn't mind."

"Awesome. Thank you," he says, smiling at me.

"You're welcome," I say, smiling back at him.

After all the speeches we are told to stand up and form a line to walk across the stage. I wait patiently for my turn. Dylan stands behind me. I can feel his eyes on me, which kind of makes me uncomfortable, but I'm okay with it.

My name is called.

"Go get it," he says quietly behind me, pushing me forward. I could tell he's smiling just by the sound of his voice.

I walk up on stage, take my diploma, and shake all the important people's hands.

"Congratulations," they all tell me with a smile.

I smile and tell them all "thank you".

As I walk back to my seat, I look up to see the guys smiling proudly. Dan gives me a thumbs up. I smile and take my seat. Dylan sits down next to me a few minutes later. His smile shows how happy he is. I'm pretty happy too. I'm glad to get out of this hell hole.

After the final speech, we all throw our caps up in the air, signaling that we are free from this school and finally out into the real world. Couples kiss and friends hug each other as the gymnasium erupts in cheers and laughter. I turn around to congratulate Dylan and I find him looking at me.

"I may not really know you, but I have this attraction towards you," he says.

"Dylan," I blush. I can't tell him he's the only one because I'm attracted to him as well.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a kiss. I don't push him away, I kiss him back. It may be weird that I just met him and I'm kissing him, but he has this pull on me that I can't just ignore.

He pulls away and smiles at me. He puts his forehead on mine and stares into my eyes. His eyes remind me of Dan's. They're green, but they shine and sparkle.

I smile back at him. I'm really happy right now. I'm not sure if it's because if Dylan or if it's because I'm graduating.

"Happy graduation," Dylan says to me.

"Happy graduation," I repeat, kissing him again.

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