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I woke up the next morning, tired from texting Dan all night. Our second conversation over the phone was more private, which only made me want him to come home more. Our texts were... well... lets say... hot.

I grab my phone, seeing that I have a message. I open it and read the long good morning text he sent me. I smile at his thoughtfulness. He tells me how beautiful I am and keeps saying how lucky he is to have me.

No, Dan. I'm so fucking lucky to have you.

I text him back, telling him how much I miss him and how I'm lucky to have him. I have other texts from Kyle, Will, and Woody. I respond to their texts. Kyle basically just says how happy he is about Dan and I. He really emphasizes it too because he used all caps. Will and Woody tell me the same thing, but they're more concerned about how I'm doing.

I finally decide to get up and make some breakfast. I go into the kitchen and rummage through the fridge. There is barely any food here. There's barely enough milk. I look to see if I have some cereal. I don't. Fantastic. Looks like I'm going to the cafe.

I quickly get dressed and fix myself up enough. I dress in a loose red and black flannel, jean leggings, and a pair of combat boots. I pull my hair up into a messy bun, letting my baby hairs be free. They don't ruin the look. It looks completely fine, like I meant to do it. I grab my keys, my phone, and my wristlet. I make sure I have money in the faded blue wristlet. I then make my way towards the train.

I find the cafe I applied to the previous day and order a bagel and a coffee. After I've attained my order, I find a cozy seat in a quiet corner. I have my headphones in, drowning out the outside noise. I scroll through Twitter a little bit, checking on the guys a little bit. They haven't posted much.

I look up and start to watch the people as White Walls by Macklemore starts to play. I nod my head to the song a little but, not enough to be noticeable.

I watch a couple across the cafe. People probably think I'm creepy, I watch how they hold hands across the table, how they smile at each other. They look so happy together.

I wonder if that's the way they see their relationship. Most couples don't see how happy they are like the people that they pass everyday do. But then again, those people they pass everyday don't see the hardships in that couples relationship. Nobody can ever fully understand why things happen between two people. They aren't in that relationship. They don't see everything like the couple does.

A man approaches me, blocking my view from the couple. I look up and find the familiar face of yours truly, Gregory Nolan.

"Greg!" I say, tearing my headphones out of my ears.

"Hey," he says, smiling. "I saw you were alone."

"I am," I say. "Please, sit." He sits down across from me.

"So, how've you been?" he asks cautiously.

"Been better," I say. "H-how about you?"

"Good," he says. "Onna, not so much."

"Yeah, I-I completely understand," I say. He just nods, putting us into a silence. It's almost like we're having a moment for Louis. "How's work been?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Okay. Not much has been happening. I'll be heading off to do a shoot for a little Christmas gig in Leads soon," he says. "That's about all the action I'll do for a while. Until festival season starts again."

"We all need a b-break sometimes," I say.

"Are you okay? You keep stuttering," Greg asks.

"Yeah, I'm still recovering from the coma," I say, choking a bit from the memory.

"Oh my, I'm sorry," he says. "Was it from, you know?" I nod. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I say.

"Do you still want to do photography?" he asks.

"Yeah, I do," I say.

"I don't mind helping you out a bit. You know, like teaching you some things, dragging you along for some shoots," he says.

"I'd love that, Greg, but not r-right now," I say. "I need to get settled more. I need to become stable before I do ssomething like that."

"Yeah, I understand," he says. "Just ask when you're ready to tag along, alright?"

"Yeah, thank you," I say, smiling at him.

"No problem," he smiles back, his big glasses lifting up a bit. "I have to run. I'll see you around, Sarah."

"Yeah, see ya, Greg," I say, waving at him as he leaves.

I bring my attention to my phone, which buzzed a little bit ago while I was talking. I smile at Dan's text, "Glad you got it. I meant all of it."

"Excuse me, miss," a kind voice calls next to me. I look up to see a young man standing next to the table.

I'm shocked to see his appearance. His eyes a light blue and his hair is sandy blonde. He has a strong build to him; wide shoulders, thin waist, tall. His jawline could cut like a razor blade.

"May I sit? I see you're alone now," he says, his voice is kinda deep. It fits his looks well.

"Sure," I say politely. The man sits down, looking at me. I awkwardly look back at him.

"I'm Nathan," he says, holding out a large hand.

"Sarah," I say, shaking his hand hesitantly. It's warm and soft, a quality not all men have.

"I just saw you sitting here with that one man," he says. "Surely he's not a boyfriend."

"No, he's just a friend," I say.

"Well, a beautiful lady like you should have a boyfriend," he says, eyeing me. I sit uncomfortably now. "You don't have a special guy, do you?"

"Yeah, I do," I say. He nods.

"He's not around, is he?" he asks, leaning over the table more.

"I need to g-get going," I say, grabbing my coffee and wristlet.

"Let me walk you to wherever you're going," he says, standing up with me.

"No, no, it's okay," I say.

"Hey! Girl, I have been looking forward to seeing you for forever!" a random woman about my age approaches me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and hugging me. At first I'm shocked, but I hug her back and smile at her.

"I've been dying to take you to that little boutique down the street," she says. "You don't mind if I take her, do you? We have so much catching up to do." I turn around to look at the man, but he's disappeared. "Oh, he's gone. Good!"

"Th-Thank you," I say to the woman. He hair is long and dark. She's a very pretty girl. Her eyes are dark too.

"Nobody should be around someone like that. I thought you seemed uncomfortable," she says.

"I was very un-uncomfortable," I say. She smiles at me.

"Go home now," she says. "Go have a cup of tea and pint of Ben & Jerry's."

"Thank you again," I smile at her. She smiles again and walks away. I start my walk home. I text Dan again.

I get inside the flat and park my butt on the couch, turning the tv on.

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