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Another week passes. I'm still in this damn coma. If I could cry I would. I want to wake up. This is so straining.

"We will see you tomorrow," my dad says after they've spent all day with me. They both kiss my forehead and then leave.

All they do is talk quietly to each other. I don't pay attention to them really. I'm focused on trying to wake up. They aren't much support.

"Hey, Sarah," Willow says, entering my room. "I see the difference in you. Keep it up," she says as she checks my vitals. "I'll come back in an hour or so to check up in you again." She pats my hand and then leaves. Later, the guys come to visit me.

"Sarah!" Woody says. "How are you, kid?" He comes over to me and takes one of my hands.

"Hey, darling," Dan says, taking my other hand and giving it a kiss. I love the little affection things he gives me. It helps me a lot. They start talking about their day. They share funny stories, which keeps me sane too. They always seem to try to keep laughing. I'm glad they do because even they probably don't know it, it really helps me.

They leave maybe an hour or so later. Just before Willow comes back. I'm left alone with my thoughts. I'm still trying to move my fingers or something. My parents come back many hours later. It must be morning.

My mum takes my hand. I still try to get my hand to close at least a little bit.

"We have to leave early, Sarah," Mum says. "We are going to visit Danielle and her new born." So I'm missing the birth of my cousin. Fantastic.

They stay for a while longer. Then leave. It's going to be a while before Dan and/or the rest of the guys will be here.

I can feel a difference in my brain. Like in a positive way. I feel like I could close my hand. I try. Nothing. I keep trying. I'm going to get this. After a while I take a break. It's exhausting.

Maybe if I try one more time..

My fingers move slightly. HOLY SHIT!!! MY FINGERS MOVED!!!! I start getting excited. This is amazing. I'm so happy! I'm waking up!!

I keep moving my fingers. The feeling of them moving is the most satisfying thing in the world. Soon I'm able to completely open and close my hand. If only I can open my eyes. I could probably do that too.

I try. I get it first try. My eyelids open slowly and a bright light blinds me. I see a light blue ceiling. Can I look around? I hope so. I try to move my head, but it doesn't work. Oh well, I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far. Who am I kidding? I'm fucking ecstatic! If only someone was here to see this. Willow should be in soon anyway to check on me.

This is thrilling. I'm so happy. I'VE WOKEN UP!! I can't wait to see Dan's face again. I can't wait to see everyone! I want them to see me better. I'm glad they won't see me as some body laying motionless on a hospital bed.

The door opens and footsteps approach me. I don't hear any reaction. And from what I can see from being able to move my eyes, a women who I assume is Willow is looking down at a clipboard.

I look at her as best as I can. She looks up, "Hel-". She stops. She looks at me surprised. "You're awake!" She runs out quickly. I guess I freaked her out?

"Sarah, hi," a new voice says moments later. It sounds more like a male voice. "I'm Dr. Andrew. How are you feeling?"

I try to open my mouth, but it's useless. I guess I don't have that skill yet.

"Can you hear me?" he asks, taking my hand. "If yes, squeeze my hand twice. If not, squeeze it once. Okay?" I squeeze twice.

"Good," he smiles. "You can't speak, can you?" I squeeze once. "Can you move any other body part?" I haven't really tried any other body part. I don't think I can, but I will certainly try.

After trying I squeeze his hand once because I can't. "Okay," he says. "You still have a long way to go for a full recovery, but you're awake!" I squeeze his hand tightly from excitement. He just smiles at me and then lets go of my hand to run some more tests.

The doctors and nurses leave, leaving me alone again. I can't believe I'm awake. I did it. I woke up. I'll get to see everyone's face again. I'll be able to squeeze Dan's hand every time he squeezes mine.

I hear the door open and Kyle's chuckle. I can hear each one of them get closer.

"No way," Will says. "Sarah!" Will us the first to realize I'm awake. He runs over to me so I can see him. He takes my hand and stares into my eyes. I wish I could smile. I would smile so big right back up at him. I've never seen him this happy. Instead I just squeeze his hand tightly. The rest of the guys come into my view. I see tears down every single of their faces. Dan holds my other hand. I look up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

His eyes are tired and they aren't as deep as they normally are. He's been so stressed and I can tell. He still looks good though. He could never look bad. He smiles at me, squeezing my hand slightly. I squeeze back. I'm so happy to see him again. I'm so happy to see all of them.

I wish my brother was here to see me wake up. I want to know where he is still. I wish I could ask if he was okay.

Dan leans down and kisses my forehead. "I love you. I knew you could wake up," he whispers, his cheeks wet with tears. Then he kisses my cheek. I squeeze his hand. I wish the other guys weren't here because I want to feel Dan's lips on mine again. I would never let him go.

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