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I wake up suddenly. It's dark, the only light coming from the tv. I'm still on the couch under Dan and the covers from my bed. I look around for the clock. 11:23 pm.

I have thirty seven minutes before tomorrow comes. I don't want tomorrow to arrive. I want Dan to stay with me. I barely had any time with him.

Dan stirs. He makes quiet noises from readjusting his position. I smile. He so adorable when he sleeps. I can barely see him, but the light from the tv is enough to make out most of his features. I put my hand on his head, silently playing with his hair.

His hair is so soft. It even smells good. It's doesn't have a strong smell or a particular smell. It just smells fresh.

I kiss his forehead lightly a few times. I know Dan has woken up by now, but he hasn't moved. Well, he squeezed my waist. That's how I know he's awake.

Dan rubs his hand across my stomach lightly, making me breakout in goosebumps. He kisses my stomach every once in a while with his cold lips.

"Good morning, beautiful," he groggily and quietly says.

"It's not morning," I say.

"What time is it then?" he asks, lifting his head up a little. He squints from the light emitting from the tv, his face crinkling up.

"11:30," I answer. Now I only have half an hour to be with him until the dreadful morning comes to take him away.

"We still have six and a half hours left," he smirks up at me. "What do you want to do?"

"Just lay h-here," I say.

"I'd be delighted to stay laying here with you," he says, moving so he's on top of me again. "Being close to you. Touching you. Kissing you," he says slowly between each sentence. He leans down close to my ear, "Pleasuring you."

I close my eyes and breathe out heavily. The growl in his voice turns me on. I bite my lip as his wonderful lips slowly brush across the skin on my neck. His tongue sends missiles of electricity through me. I push my chest into his more as his actions arouse me. One of his hands tangles in my long hair while the other hand travels my body, looking for more exposed skin to torture me. Dan's breath gets quicker as I feel him get bigger. He pushes against me more, trying to create more friction between us. He groans in my ear which only makes me want more. But I don't want more. Not now at least.

"Dan," I say breathlessly.

"Yes, love?" his husky voice fills my ear.

"Nothing more th-than this," I bite my lip.

"Okay," he says, kissing my neck roughly. He earns a loud breath from me as I exhale deeply. My body wants him, but my mind keeps telling me to wait.

I sneak a look at the clock. 11:59 it says. Only one minute before tomorrow is here. Only six hours until he has to leave.

"I'm gonna miss you," I say to Dan as he stands in front of me by the door of my flat. His bags sitting next to the door, ready to be picked up and taken away.

"I'm going to miss you too," he says, embracing me. "I'll call you as soon as we land and I'll Skype you and FaceTime you. I'll do anything to see you and ear your voice."

A knock on the door interrupts us. Dan and I both answer it.

"Come on, lover boy. We got a plane to catch," Kyle says.

"I'm coming, just give me a minute," Dan says.

"Bye, Kyle!" I call after him as he takes Dan's bags and heads back to the van they use to travel.

Dan turns back to me and just stares into my eyes. They glimmer with slight lust that I can't ignore. I pull him down to me and kiss his soft lips one last time before I have to wait a weeks to kiss them again. He kisses me back passionately, his tongue entering my mouth.

"Come on!" the three English men call out to us at the same time. Dan and I ignore them, our wonderful kiss heating up. His hand grabs some of my hair, pulling gently. My hands travel his back, feeling every muscle that had developed over the many years. He is pretty strong for an awkward man. Instead of letting go of me he pushes me against the wall, adding more fuel to the flame. Our breaths become more ragged.

"Oi! Either get a room and miss our flight or stop eating her face and lets go!" Kyle shouts at us. I start to giggle, causing Dan to laugh, ending our moment. Dan smiles at me, his dimples and crinkles showing.

"You should go," I say, looking at his lips lustfully.

"I think that we both don't want me to go," he says, not moving a muscle.

"I think that you're right," I say. He smiles and starts to lean in again, but he is jerked away from me.

"Lets go! Now!" Kyle says impatiently as Will carries Dan to the can. I laugh at the sight, but quickly follow. Dans face seemed terrified at first, but he soon realized what was happening and he starts to laugh.

"Shut up, Chris," I giggle at the man sitting in the van laughing.

"It's Woody, remember?" he chuckles, grinning at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I-I remember," I giggle.

Dan is pulled into the van by Will who got in before him. As soon as Will let's go of Dan when he thinks he has him in, Dan jumps up. His face is wild with a grin bigger than I've ever seen. He climbs out as far as he could before Will grabs him again. Dan holds on to the sides of the van.

"Kiss me before I'm taken away," he frantically says. I giggle and rush to him. I take his face in my hands and crash my lips onto his. Kyle wraps his arms around my stomach and pulls me away from Dan. I laugh as Kyle and I fall to ground. Kyle gets up quickly and scurries to the van, pushing Dan inside and getting in himself.

"Our love is forbidden!" Dan yells, laughing at the same time. I laugh.

"Bye, Sarah!" the other three shout at me before closing the door.

"Bye," I say back, waving at the van as it drives into the distance.

I hope this is a little more fun for y'all. Lol it was pretty fun to write. x

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