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Lights flash, blue and red. White lights blur my vision and I can't seem to think straight.

I see Louis standing away from me. People just stand there, blankly looking at me as I lay on the pavement. I want to reach for him, but I can't move. I'm not in another coma, am I? My heart rate raises slightly.

I feel something poke all over my face and neck. It's almost like pin needles or something. I look back at Louis. He looks like he's screaming at me and crying. He isn't yelling though. Like, it's almost a whisper. "Beautiful," he keeps saying. I start to get confused, but I'm not okay right now. I've just been in some kind of accident. I don't feel any pain though. Am I having some kind of out-of-body experience?

The pin needles seem to become more prevalent. I feel them more. They don't hurt actually.

"Beautiful," Louis 'screams' at me. I feel a soft pressure on my hip.

My eyes flutter open. I give them time to adjust to the light. I finally realize I was only dreaming. I should have known, Louis was alive.

Dan's soft lips press against my cheek and he whispers, "Beautiful."

He's calling me beautiful. His husky morning voice is calling me beautiful. I love the way the word falls off of his tongue like it's the only adjective there is for me. He has no idea how much I love it when he calls beautiful. It makes my chest tingle.

He kisses my lips softly. He pulls away to whisper beautiful, but I follow his lips. I keep our lips connected and kiss him back. He doesn't question, but tightens his grip on my waist. Our lips move as one like a dance that has been danced everyday for centuries and has never changed. Sparks fill my stomach and chest. It's such an electric feeling that I hope will never go away. I love this man and I want him.

He pulls away from my lips and buries his face in my neck. He kisses me softly a few times before just letting his warm breath tickle my skin. I wrap my arms around him tighter, keeping him as close as possible.

"Do you want to tell me what your dream was?" he quietly asks, his mouth close to my ear.

"How d-did you know?" I ask.

"You were crying in your sleep," he says. "I couldn't wake you so I thought I'd try to comfort you by kissing you and telling you that you are beautiful." He is looking into my eyes now.

"Oh," I say, looking at my hands which are resting on his chest and playing with his collar. "I-I dreamt of Louis." Dan nods, completely understanding. He hugs me tightly again.

I'm grateful for his hug because I feel like I could start crying again. I can't believe I have anymore tears to cry, since I've been crying for a long time.

"I love you, Sarah," Dan says, his husky voice filling my ear.

"I love you too, Dan," I say into his neck.

"I love you more," he says. I just smile and close my eyes again. I want to keep him here in this moment forever.

"How was Australia?" I ask, not moving from my position.

"Warm," he says.

"Must b-be nice," I say.

"It was very nice."

"Don't ruin it in," I giggle.

"It was fun. It's nice there. The views are fantastic. But I like the view I have here more. It's nothing compared to you. I would've loved for you to see it. Then I could see the best scenery ever. My gorgeous girlfriend standing in front of a sunset on the beach..." Dan rambles. I don't stop him this time. I listen to him. I listen to how he talks. His voice is so beautiful. Honestly, it's addicting. I need to hear his voice to function.

"I've missed you so much, Sarah. I can't stop talking about you," he finishes. His fingers trace figure eights on my back, giving me chills.

"I love it. I love listening to your v-voice," I say, kissing his jaw.

"I like that," he says, pulling me in a little more.

"What? Me kissing yourr jaw?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah," he says. "I dunno why. It just feels right when you do it." I smile and rest my head on his shoulder again, nuzzling my face into his neck.

I could go back to sleep. I want to. I want to stay in his arms for the rest of the day.

"Would you like to go to Kyle's tomorrow? He's having a little get-together with our crew," Dan says. "Nothing over the top, but if you don't want to go I understand. I would love it if you went though. And I'm rambling. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I giggle. "It's cute. A-And I would love to go." I look up at him with a smile. He smiles back down at me and kisses my forehead. With that I close my eyes and start to fall asleep again. Dan doesn't move me or tell me that we need to get up. He keeps me in his loving and warm embrace. I smell him one last time before I finally fall asleep peacefully.

Sorry this is such a shit chapter. But it'll get better, I promise. Sorry it's short too, it was kind if difficult to write. I hope you enjoy it. And I will not be updating in the next couple of days, I don't think. Depending if the hotel has wifi, which I'm sure it does, but I don't want to bother my friends at midnight while I'm writing an they're trying to sleep. So who knows what'll happen. But I don't see it happening. Goodnight my babses! xx

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