Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Author P.O.V*

SavageNiall: Wake yo ass up.📢⏰📣

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm already up you poop head.💩💩💩

SavageNiall: Today is Friday so you know what that means.💰💵💸

KingOfAggressiveness: Sorry to tell you this but I had to give my mum the 30 dollars.😅😅😅

SavageNiall: That's it I'm coming over to kick your ass.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll pay you back next Friday Niall no worries.

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall you still there?

KingOfAggressiveness: Holy shit you're at the door!!!😱😱😱

SavageNiall: Come open the door I just want to talk to you.😈😈😈

KingOfAggressiveness: Like I'm going to fall for that go home Niall.

SavageNiall: Thanks for leaving the kitchen window open for me.

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall I'm sorry please just tell me another way I can make it up to you.😖😖😖

SavageNiall: Letting me kick your boney ass now open the damn bathroom door.😤😡😤

KingOfAggressiveness: No your not about to mess up my pretty face.

SavageNiall: Fine stay in there I'll just look through your room.😇😃😄

KingOfAggressiveness: Go ahead I got nothing to hide from you.😊

SavageNiall: What's this little box I found under your bed? Hmmmmm.

KingOfAggressiveness: Shit.😬😬😬

*1 hour later*

SavageNiall: I can't believe you had racks of money yet you couldn't give me my 30 dollars.

KingOfAggressiveness: I have a very good reason as to why.

SavageNiall: Please explain before I go ape shit.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm holding this for someone until they get back from a little vacation.

SavageNiall: I can't believe you right now.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm srry if that changes anything.

SavageNiall: It really doesn't.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh come on!

*3 hours later*

SavageNiall: Hey I can text while drunk, isn't that great?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall where are you?

SavageNiall: On my way to buttfuck you against your front door.😐😖😦😧😠😋

KingOfAggressiveness: Tell me where you are so I can stop you from doing something reckless.

SavageNiall: I bet my name would sound so beautiful with you screaming it under me.😰😛😒😁😚

KingOfAggressiveness: Ewww Niall god I hate when your horny drunk.

SavageNiall: Let me stick my peacock down your throat. Wait that's a song by Katy Perry I really like that song. XD💭👥💕❤💘💖

KingOfAggressiveness: Lord please help this drunken child. Niall you still there buddy?

SavageNiall: We should go see her one day. She has great tits.👕👓👗👞👠🙇

KingOfAggressiveness: One day buddy. Now are you okay?

SavageNiall: Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be dumb dumb?💁👯💃👭💅

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall I need you to focus please.

SavageNiall: Ewww don't mention that Grande singer. She annoys me with a passion.💏👪☝👏💃💇

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall Jesus Christ.

SavageNiall: I tripped and fell into the tub bahahahahahahahahaha at least I didn't break anything.👅👂🌟💀👂💨

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm coming over.

SavageNiall: Hehe cumming.👷👦👩😻👼👴



Drunk Niall is so cute I cry. I actually want to see him drunk in real life that would be heavenly. Anyways anyone got any guesses on why Harry has a rack of money in a box under his bed? If ya do let me know in the comment section and there I go sounding like a Youtuber oh my god.

Bye my Golden Days.💜❤😷

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