Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Author P.O.V*

SavageNiall: Sup curly fries.🍟

KingOfAggressiveness: *sent picture* Man I would totally do myself.😝😍👅

SavageNiall: You look pregnant.😬😬😬

KingOfAggressiveness: I swear to God I'm going to break your neck.👿😡😤

SavageNiall: Why???

KingOfAggressiveness: Because you can never be nice to me.😠😖😫

SavageNiall: I am nice to you.

KingOfAggressiveness: Not being nice because you want something in return from me Niall.😒😒😒

SavageNiall: Oh. Nevermind then.

KingOfAggressiveness: Right. Like I thought. 😔😒😔

SavageNiall: You know I'm just fucking with you.

KingOfAggressiveness: Sure you are.

SavageNiall: I am. You're like fucking perfect so I tease you about.😳😳😳

KingOfAggressiveness: I am not.

SavageNiall: You so are. I tease you about your abs because you got them way faster than I did and I had been working way more than you have. You're freaking tall so people are instantly drawn towards you. Growing your hair long doesn't make you look like a dying cat like it does on me. It's esay for you to talk to people because you are are soaked in confidence.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh my god.

SavageNiall: What did I do now???

KingOfAggressiveness: Nothing. That was just so beautiful.

SavageNiall: Oh my god. Please don't tell me you're crying.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: How did you know???

SavageNiall: We've been friends for the longest Harry.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: True. I didn't even think about that.

SavageNiall: I think you don't ever think you just do.😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: Your 'comments' don't hurt me anymore because I know it's out of love.😘💋💞

SavageNiall: Sure 'out of love'

KingOfAggressiveness: Nope. You can't break my walls.

SavageNiall: I'm not trying to.

KingOfAggressiveness: It feels like it.

SavageNiall: I don't know what you're talking about.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yes you do.

SavageNiall: I don't.

KingOfAggressiveness: Whatever you ding dong.

SavageNiall: I'm a savage get it straight.

KingOfAggressiveness: You not savage but okay.

SavageNiall: I am. It says it on my birth certificate.

KingOfAggressiveness: It was auto correct.

SavageNiall: Sure it was.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: They messed up.

SavageNiall: Always trying to bring me down.😔😔😔

KingOfAggressiveness: Not.😂😂😂

SavageNiall: Are you sure about that???

KingOfAggressiveness: I was just letting you know the truth hurts.

SavageNiall: It wasn't the truth. It was a lie.

KingOfAggressiveness: No. I was there.

SavageNiall: How???😲😲😲

KingOfAggressiveness: Don't worry about that.

SavageNiall: Sure you were.

KingOfAggressiveness: Don't believe me. I don't care.😑😑😑

SavageNiall: I think anyone wouldn't believe you.

KingOfAggressiveness: Damn. Hating just comes naturally for you.😒😒😒

SavageNiall: With you yes.

KingOfAggressiveness: Cancel my ticket and buy another one that's away from you.

SavageNiall: Stop being so overdramatic.😒😔😑

KingOfAggressiveness: I am.

SavageNiall: I'm sure everyone would most definitely agree with me on that one.😃😄😊

KingOfAggressiveness: Liam wouldn't.

SavageNiall: Most definitely would.

KingOfAggressiveness: Flower definitely wouldn't.

SavageNiall: She use to say you were overdramatic all the time.😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: Zayn wouldn't.

SavageNiall: See I wouldn't know about that one. I haven't spoken to him in a while.😑😑😑

KingOfAggressiveness: Louis wouldn't.

SavageNiall: Same goes for him too.

KingOfAggressiveness: Welp don't worry about them then.

SavageNiall: Nah.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yes.

SavageNiall: We need their opinions to most definitely prove me right.

KingOfAggressiveness: They won't prove you right. They'll prove me right.

SavageNiall: We'll see what Zayn and Louis have to say about that.😈😈😈




Expect to see the old trio in the next chapter my lovelies. It's going to be freaking hilarious my dudes. Well it might just be hilarious to me. Anyway tell me your thoughts and predictions.

Bye my Don't Slow Me Down.😄👌😑

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