Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Author P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you free Friday???📣📢📣

SavageNiall: If I was, why???😔😒😐😶😑

KingOfAggressiveness: Because I wanna go to this concert.😇😇😇

SavageNiall: For who???😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: For Chris Brown.😍😍😍

SavageNiall: Of course!!! Why didn't you say that sooner???😄😃😍

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't know but great. You can buy the tickets.

SavageNiall: If I do, it's going on your bill.💳💸💰💴💵💷💶

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't care. Just do it.

SavageNiall: Okay. If you say so.😀😊😁

KingOfAggressiveness: Wyd???

SavageNiall: Getting the mail. You???

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh cool. I'm cooking pancakes naked.🍮🍮🍮🍳🍳🍳

SavageNiall: I wanna believe because you do di strange shit like that but I feel like you're lying.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm not.😙😊😏*sent picture*

SavageNiall: How the fuck did you even take that picture???

KingOfAggressiveness: Timer.😎😎😎

SavageNiall: Why the fuck are you cooking naked???🙉🙊🙈😷😖😵

KingOfAggressiveness: It relaxes me. You should try it sometime.

SavageNiall: I'll pass. I don't want to burn my dick or cut it by accident.😷😷😷

KingOfAggressiveness: You won't but whatever. It's your loss.😥😥😥

SavageNiall: Yeah sure. "My loss"😪😪😪

KingOfAggressiveness: How long has it been since you and Flower had broken up???

SavageNiall: I'm not even gonna ask why you wanna know that. Just know that it's been three months.😔😔😔

KingOfAggressiveness: How long have you two been together???

SavageNiall: Three years I think.😅😅😅

KingOfAggressiveness: You think???

SavageNiall: I'm not so sure about that one alright. Leave me alone.😫😩😓

FlowerVibes added

KingOfAggressiveness: How long have you and Niall been together?

SavageNiall: i thinn im gonns psss out.

FlowerVibes: Three years and five months.😇😇😇

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you dating anyone Flower???

SavageNiall: Oh ny gpd harry thats nond od y9ir businees.

FlowerVibes: I'm not and love for the love of god check👏 your👏 spelling👏 before sending a text.

KingOfAggressiveness: He's probably red as a fucking paintcan right now???😂😂😂

SavageNiall: I am so shut up.

FlowerVibes: Awww that's so cute.😍😂😄

KingOfAggressiveness: Awww that's even cuter. He fixed his grammar and you basically called him cute.😱😱😱😨😨😨

FlowerVibes: That's because he is cute.😇😇😇

SavageNiall: 💀💀💀

KingOfAggressiveness: Welp. We killed him now I don't have to owe him money.🎊🎉🎆💃

SavageNiall: Bitch yes the fuck you do.

KingOfAggressiveness: Damn it. Spoke too soon.😥😰😭

SavageNiall: Damn right you did.

FlowerVibes: 😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: I was obviously joking with you.😅😅😅

SavageNiall: No the fuck you weren't.😒😒😒

FlowerVibes: Geez. So many curse words.

SavageNiall: Sorry sorry.

KingOfAggressiveness: Whipped.



Well, there you go. You got more background information about Flower and Niall and stuff. I wanna know your thoughts on Flower or on her and Niall's relationship. It will help me know if I'm conveying my message right.

Bye my Juicy Booty.🍑💦💧

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