Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Author P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: Remember when you got drunk like two days ago???

SavageNiall: Yeah why???😔😅😥

KingOfAggressiveness: No reason. Just asking.😇😋😁

SavageNiall: Harry tell me what I did.😖😩😧

KingOfAggressiveness: You sent Flower snaps of you. They were really sexual too. Looks like someone miss sliding in and out of dat puss puss.😝😊😄

SavageNiall: Oh god. I'll never be able to live this down.😣😨😱

KingOfAggressiveness: Don't worry she loved them. Shit I did too.👌👌👌

SavageNiall: How would you know that???😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: She blushed like crazy when I was talking to her about it.

SavageNiall: . Shut the fuck up. You're lying.😮😯😮

KingOfAggressiveness: No honest to god she was red like a fucking crayon.

SavageNiall: I'm deleting my Snapchat now.🏃✌👋

KingOfAggressiveness: Good. Come with me to a beautiful place called Instagram where there are thousands of memes and challenges.

SavageNiall: I already have one you chicken butt. Instagram is not all that beautiful either. You can watch someone actually get shot and someone giving head.😪😢😳

KingOfAggressiveness: But you can also see beautiful drawings and cute little families daily life.🌈🌍👪

SavageNiall: Are you high right now???😔😒😑

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah but not from weed or anything like that. No drugs for this guy.

SavageNiall: Then from what???

KingOfAggressiveness: Can't tell you.🙈🙊🙅

SavageNiall: I should have known you was going to fucking say that.

KingOfAggressiveness: What the fuck does that suppose to mean Niall???

SavageNiall: It means you don't fucking tell me anything anymore.😞😟😦

KingOfAggressiveness: THAT IS NOT FUCKING TRUE!!!😤😡😠

SavageNiall: If that helps you sleep at night then keep saying that.😶😐😶

KingOfAggressiveness: I've told you about that time I was mistaken for a murder, that I pissed myself like a month ago, and that a bird took a shit in my mouth a week ago. I'll tell you anything you ask.

SavageNiall: Sure you will.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm serious Niall.

SavageNiall: Sure Harry.😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: Don't treat me like this. You know I don't like it.

SavageNiall: Sure.😒

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall please.

SavageNiall: Sure.

KingOfAggressiveness: You're going to make me cry. I'm begging you.💧😭😭

SavageNiall: Sure.

KingOfAggressiveness: Fine. I use the money for medication that's why I seem high lately.💊💉💊

SavageNiall: What are the medication for???

KingOfAggressiveness: I really can't tell you that.😞😣😳

SavageNiall: And why the fuck not???

KingOfAggressiveness: Because I can picture your reaction and it makes me sad.😟😧😷

SavageNiall: Is it something bad???

KingOfAggressiveness: No no no.

SavageNiall: Fine.

KingOfAggressiveness: One day I'll tell you. I promise.😀😊😉

SavageNiall: You better.

KingOfAggressiveness: Wanna go out for drinks???🍹🍷🍺🍻🍸

SavageNiall: No. I'm still upset with you.😒😔😑

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll pay for the drinks.💰💴💵💷💶💳💸

SavageNiall: COUNT ME THE FUCK IN!!!😻😽🏃👌👍

KingOfAggressiveness: Smh. Only using me for my money. Some friend you are.😭😭😭

SavageNiall: You do not want to go there.

KingOfAggressiveness: Just get ready. I'll be there in like five minutes.

SavageNiall: I'll be ready when I fucking want to you hoe.💆💇💅😎

KingOfAggressiveness: Fine then hoe.

SavageNiall: You said five minutes. Why the fuck are you at my front door Harry???🚪🚪🚪

KingOfAggressiveness: I lied now come on. We're wasting time.🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝

SavageNiall: I'm coming I'm coming.🏃🏃🏃

KingOfAggressiveness: You definitely will tonight.👅👄💧💦

SavageNiall: I'm only going to have a few drinks so HA.😇😇😇

KingOfAggressiveness: I can convince people to do a lot of things sweetheart.😈😈😼

SavageNiall: I won't be one of them tonight though.

KingOfAggressiveness: Sure you won't.💅💅💅

SavageNiall: Hey no pushing. I could have fell in the street.😭😵😲

KingOfAggressiveness: I didn't even push you that hard.😒😫😓

SavageNiall: Just for that I'm going to buy a lot of drinks for no damn reason.👊👍👌


KingOfAggressiveness: I think you're more drunk than me buddy.🍼🍶🍵☕

SavageNiall: Nope. You are mister tall frog.🐸🐸🐸

KingOfAggressiveness: Since my place is closer let's head there.🏠🏡🏫🏢🏣🏦🏯💒🏬🏤

SavageNiall: No my place is a lot closer.🏰🏨🏩🏥🏪

KingOfAggressiveness: It doesn't matter. I just want to give you a blowjob in one of our house.🐉🐞🐟🐅🐄🐠

SavageNiall: Okay great.🍂🌸🌾🌻🌱🌳🍃🌼




Did Harry give Niall that blowjob??? I don't know. You'll have to wait. The picture they was talking about it obviously is at the top of the chapter. See I need more of those manips of Niall. I salute all those who make manips of Niall. By the time you're dome reading this the next chapter will already be finished.

Bye my Back To You.👌👍👊

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