Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: So I have great news for you guys.😁😄

PayneGang: You bought me my dream car?😇

KingOfAggressiveness: No you wannabe daddy. 😠😤

Zayn: Ouch. That wasn't even for me and that hurt.😖

PayneGang: Don't worry about me. I'll just be here mopping up my tears.😟

KingOfAggressiveness: Me and Niall are dating.

LouLou: You're lying.😱

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm not. I would have Niall back me up but he is busy as you can see.

Zayn: That's why you two have been acting so weird lately.

KingOfAggressiveness: Actually no.

Zayn: Then what?😐

KingOfAggressiveness: The reason we were acting weird because we had sex after dinner and we didn't know how to handle it.

PayneGang: YOU WHAT?!😨


Zayn: You guys are just full of surprises.😲

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah. It was great.

PayneGang: Please no detail.😷

LouLou: Yeah what Liam said.🙅

KingOfAggressiveness: Of course I wasn't going to tell you STRAIGHT males about it.

Zayn: Why the caps on straight???

PayneGang: That just remind me that caps is running.

LouLou: And ice skating is cursive.

Zayn: And stomping is bold.

KingOfAggressiveness: Holy shit you guys just blew my mind.😰

LouLou: Well all I got to say is congratulations to you both.👍👊🙌

Zayn: I second that.🎊🎆

PayneGang: Me too.🎉🎇

KingOfAggressiveness: Awww thanks guys.😗😚😘

LouLou: No problem.

PayneGang: It's gonna be weird but we'll get use to it.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm going to cry.😥😭

Zayn: Please don't.😒

KingOfAggressiveness: Uh- fine.😔

PayneGang: Well let's end this on a good note.

LouLou: Yeah. I gotta go take a massive shit and I need complete concentration.💩🚽

Zayn: Yeah and I have a date to prepare for and I don't need you guys to distract me anymore.

KingOfAggressiveness: Aww you're telling me about that date when you get back. Bye guys I'm going to laugh for hours at this Photoshop pic of Niall. *picture sent*



Again the *pic sent* are at the top of every chapter. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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