Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: I can't believe we're dating now!😀😁😋😆💃🙈

SavageNiall: Same.

KingOfAggressiveness: Now I don't need my dildo anymore. *Picture Sent*

SavageNiall: Annnnd now I want to vomit.😷

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh come on. You got to admit that's a nice looking dildo.

SavageNiall: No. I will not.🙅✋

KingOfAggressiveness: Why not?

SavageNiall: Because it's not.

KingOfAggressiveness: You're just saying that because you don't like things up your butt.

SavageNiall: And because it's not.

KingOfAggressiveness: One day you'll appreciate it.

SavageNiall: I highly doubt it.😐

KingOfAggressiveness: Ugh. I'm breaking up with you.💔

SavageNiall: Okay.😊

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm serious.

SavageNiall: Alright.😄

KingOfAggressiveness: Why aren't you crying and begging me to stay?

SavageNiall: Because I know you aren't serious.😇

KingOfAggressiveness: But I'm dead ass am.

SavageNiall: Sure.😉

KingOfAggressiveness: Ugh fine I'm not serious.

SavageNiall: Ohhhh. Thank the heavens. I don't know what I would have done.😭😖

KingOfAggressiveness: ha ha ha. Very funny.😒😑

SavageNiall: Thank you.

KingOfAggressiveness: Kiss my ass.🍑

SavageNiall: I'd rather leave a hickey on it.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll be right there.😝😉😍😏🏃

SavageNiall: I wasn't serious.😔

KingOfAggressiveness: That's just evil.😥😰😢😫😵

SavageNiall: Not as evil as you not giving me my money back.

KingOfAggressiveness: But I did give you your money back.

SavageNiall: I know that. I was just proving a point.

KingOfAggressiveness: We're together now so your money is my money.😃💰

SavageNiall: Nah. If we get married then yes.

KingOfAggressiveness: Then let's get married right now.👰👬

SavageNiall: I'll kindly have to decline that.👎

KingOfAggressiveness: I would love to continue this but I gotta go.

SavageNiall: K. Bye.😂😂😂



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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