Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: You should have called off work because I'm so bored.😟😧😖

SavageNiall: What are you doing?

KingOfAggressiveness: *Picture Sent*

SavageNiall: Why couldn't you wait to eat until you finish your bath or eat before taking your bath?

KingOfAggressiveness: Because I know how to multitask.😇😎

SavageNiall: How the fuck did you take that picture anyway?😲

KingOfAggressiveness: I threw the phone up in the air while it was on a timer.👌👍💪

SavageNiall: Dammmmmmn my boyfriend a savage.

KingOfAggressiveness: Maybe my name should be SavageHarry instead.👊

SavageNiall: Now you done went too far.👎✋🙅

KingOfAggressiveness: Well just to let you know I saved you some fried shrimp rice and spring rolls.

SavageNiall: You're the best.😙😉

KingOfAggressiveness: I been knew that.💅💁💃

SavageNiall: Well I take it back then.

KingOfAggressiveness: It's too late. It's already in the chat and the FBI that's in our phones saw it.😂💀

SavageNiall: That means they can see you naked. Cover your camera.

KingOfAggressiveness: They probably don't want to look at me naked.

SavageNiall: Only I can see you naked.😉😠😏👅

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall they most likey have a whole family that they love.

SavageNiall: You never know. The government is sneaky and secretive.

KingOfAggressiveness: Better be careful. They might come at your job and find a reason to send you to jail.

SavageNiall: Sorry FBI. Contuine what you were doing. I support it.😅😅😅

KingOfAggressiveness: Smh.

SavageNiall: Hey. I'm playing it smart.

KingOfAggressiveness: Sure you are.

SavageNiall: Hush.

KingOfAggressiveness: They really put some spice in this rice because my stomach is not feeling it.😷

SavageNiall: Or maybe you're pregnant.😨😱😰

KingOfAggressiveness: I can't get pregnant you dummy. Maybe in the future when scientists figure out how.

SavageNiall: By that point we probably would have adopted.👬👶

KingOfAggressiveness: Niall something is wrong.

SavageNiall: What is it?

KingOfAggressiveness: My chest is tighting and I can't breath.

SavageNiall: Fuck Harry. I think you're having an allergic reaction.

KingOfAggressiveness: Everything is getting blurry and my head is spinning.

SavageNiall: Hang on. I'm on my way.

KingOfAggressiveness: Please hurry.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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