Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

*Author's P.O.V*

SavageNiall: You free to talk?

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm always free to talk when it comes to you.😃😚😳

SavageNiall: Cool.

KingOfAggressiveness: Remember when we force Zayn to take this picture of us? *picture sent*😍💞💖💕💓💋💗

SavageNiall: Why do you keep bringing up the past???😐😑

KingOfAggressiveness: It's nice to reflect on it every once in a while.😊😀😃

SavageNiall: Ew.😷

KingOfAggressiveness: What?

SavageNiall: You're so sappy.😷🙅😫

KingOfAggressiveness: So?

SavageNiall: Have you been watching romantic movies lately?

KingOfAggressiveness: Noooooo.😅😅😅

SavageNiall: So yes. Alright.

KingOfAggressiveness: I said no.😭😒😔

SavageNiall: Harry nobody says noooooo if they are telling the truth.

KingOfAggressiveness: Well I do.

SavageNiall: Stop lying to yourself.

KingOfAggressiveness: Fuck off.😤😠👿


KingOfAggressiveness: Why are you such an asshole to me???😒😒😒

SavageNiall: You make me that way.

KingOfAggressiveness: That's like the most stupidest shit I have ever heard.

SavageNiall: It's not.😄☺☺

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm finding a new best friend.😔😔😔

SavageNiall: Ok ok ok. I'm sorry.

KingOfAggressiveness: Nope. It is too late. You blew it.✌🙅✌

SavageNiall: I have something to offer to you to make up for it.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm listening.

SavageNiall: How about I take you to dinner tonight at your favorite restaurant?

KingOfAggressiveness: Okay. What time?⌚😁

SavageNiall: Is nine good for you?

KingOfAggressiveness: Perfect.😚

SavageNiall: So are we on good terms now?

KingOfAggressiveness: No. You're at 50 percent right now.

SavageNiall: After tonight, I'm going to be at one hundred percent.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh that sounds sexual.😉😏😋😝

SavageNiall: It isn't meant to be so just stop that right now.🙉🙈😷😖😩

KingOfAggressiveness: We'll see about that tonight.😏😏😏

SavageNiall: Oh my god. I should have just let you unfriend me.

KingOfAggressiveness: But you didn't and now you're stuck with me.😇😎😋

SavageNiall: I can unfriend you too.

KingOfAggressiveness: But you won't.

SavageNiall: Watch me.

KingOfAggressiveness: You do that and you can watch your money go bye bye.☺💰💳💸

SavageNiall: Fine you devil.😒

KingOfAggressiveness: Gotta go plan my outfit for tonight.

SavageNiall: You have seven hours until tonight.

KingOfAggressiveness: Never hurt to plan ahead.😃😇

SavageNiall: Whatever you say.

KingOfAggressiveness: Love you. Bye.😗😙😚😘

SavageNiall: Look ya too curly.😏



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my One Way.🏃👬💁

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