Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm ready.

SavageNiall: Are you?

KingOfAggressiveness: Yes.

SavageNiall: Okay.

KingOfAggressiveness: Sooo we fucked after dinner.

SavageNiall: We both know that Harry.😒😑😔

KingOfAggressiveness: Did you enjoy it?👀

SavageNiall: How is this important?😶😐

KingOfAggressiveness: Because this will determine where our friendship will be like.

SavageNiall: I did.

KingOfAggressiveness: Ok great.

SavageNiall: Did you?

KingOfAggressiveness: Yes.

SavageNiall: So where does this leaves us?

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't know.

SavageNiall: You have to.

KingOfAggressiveness: It's not that easy.😞😡

SavageNiall: Why?

KingOfAggressiveness: Because I have feelings for you.

SavageNiall: You're joking right.😵😲

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm most definitely not.

SavageNiall: How long?😦

KingOfAggressiveness: For a year now.

SavageNiall: Were you ever going to tell me this?😯

KingOfAggressiveness: Not really.😶

SavageNiall: Why?

KingOfAggressiveness: I was hoping it would go away and we could live happy lives.

SavageNiall: And I'm pretty sure the blowjob situation didn't help.😬😬😬

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah and all I really got say is do you feel the same way?

SavageNiall: I mean I never really thought of you in that way.😌

KingOfAggressiveness: So you were just using me that night?

SavageNiall: Oh no. Of course not.😓

KingOfAggressiveness: Then why stick your dick in me?

SavageNiall: Blunt much?

KingOfAggressiveness: Answer the question.

SavageNiall: I don't know. You gave me that look then kiss me and it just happen.

KingOfAggressiveness: How do you not know?😠😒

SavageNiall: Because you're my best friend. I'm use to us wrestling and arguing with each other not kissing and doing intimate things.🙈

KingOfAggressiveness: So you want to stay as friends then?

SavageNiall: I mean we can try to be in a relationship.👬

KingOfAggressiveness: Really? I don't want it to seem like I'm pressuring you into doing this.

SavageNiall: No. I want to do this.

KingOfAggressiveness: Alright.

SavageNiall: So I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow.

KingOfAggressiveness: Okay. Bye.

SavageNiall: Bye.

KingOfAggressiveness: No wait.✋

SavageNiall: What?

KingOfAggressiveness: So we are officially dating now?👀

SavageNiall: Yes.

KingOfAggressiveness: Okay bye.✌

SavageNiall: See ya.👋

KingOfAggressiveness: To not leave things on an awkward note enjoy this old edit you made of me. *Picture Sent*😅😂



All I'm going to say is y'all smart. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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