Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author's P.O.V*

*Niall is speaking and Harry is texting*

SavageNiall: Thank god you're awake.

KingOfAggressiveness: How long have I been knocked out???

SavageNiall: Five hours.

KingOfAggressiveness: Did the doctors tell you anything?

SavageNiall: They said that you couldn't leave here.

KingOfAggressiveness: For how long?

SavageNiall: Permanently.

KingOfAggressiveness: You're joking right?

SavageNiall: I wish I was.

KingOfAggressiveness: Sooo.

SavageNiall: So the doctor told me everything.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh.

SavageNiall: So when were you going to tell me?

KingOfAggressiveness: Tell you what?

SavageNiall: That you're fucking dying Harry.

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't know. How does someone tell their best friend who is also their boyfriend because I sure don't?

SavageNiall: Were you just going to let yourself pass away and I would have to find out in the most traumatic way?

KingOfAggressiveness: No. I was going to tell you but it honestly slip my mind because I was enjoying the time we spent with each other.

SavageNiall: That's why you needed my money and why it took so long for you to pay me back.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah. I was trying to get treatment and find a cure but nothing is playing in my favor which was how I was able to pay you back.

SavageNiall: When did this start happening to you?

KingOfAggressiveness: A few months before I realized that I liked you.

SavageNiall: God. That's why your body was changing so much.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah. It made me sick most of the time which was why most of our conversations were ended early.

SavageNiall: This is not fucking fair.

KingOfAggressiveness: Tell me about it.

SavageNiall: I've known you for six years. A year and four months out of that we've been together and now it's just going to be taken away from me.

KingOfAggressiveness: Hey please don't start crying.

SavageNiall: Does the guys know? Does your family know?

KingOfAggressiveness: Flower is the only one who knows.

SavageNiall: Harry you should have been told them.

KingOfAggressiveness: Please stop crying.

SavageNiall: Don't touch me.

KingOfAggressiveness: Please.

SavageNiall: I need some time to think.



Oh would you look at that. That's a pretty door. *Runs away* Thoughts??? Predictions???


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