Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Author P.O.V*

SavageNiall: Look at what I learned how to do. 凸( •̀_•́ )凸 ╭∩╮(ಠ۝ಠ)╭∩╮

KingOfAggressiveness: Wow. You late af.😬😬😬😒😒😒

SavageNiall: Hey don't judge. It took you years to get the gun.︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──

KingOfAggressiveness: That's because that's way more complicated than the face.💁😒😥

SavageNiall: Really not.😊😝😂

KingOfAggressiveness: Whatever you say leprechaun.🍀🍀🍀

SavageNiall: {\__/}
( • ~ •)
/ >🍆¿Want My Dick?
( • - •)
🍆< \ No! My Dick!
( • w •)
/ >🍆 Just Kidding You Can Have My Dick!
( -_ -)
/ >🍆 But Just A Lick
( 0-0)
🍆< \ No! You Lick Too Much, No More Dick For You!

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm so speechless right now.🙉🙊🙈

SavageNiall: That's surprising.😨😱😨

KingOfAggressiveness: Who have you been hanging around lately.

SavageNiall: Nobody. I've been in the house most of the time all this month except for that time we went out.😋😜😛

KingOfAggressiveness: Well what have you been watching lately???

SavageNiall: Waterbirth and neck cracking montages.😇😆😊

KingOfAggressiveness: ???😖😲😵😕😮

SavageNiall: You won't believe how satisfying or wonderful those types of videos are.👌👍👊🙌🙏

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll just take your word for it.👌👌👌

SavageNiall: Thanks.😚😘😙

KingOfAggressiveness: Were you replaced by a female or some shit.😣😅😌

SavageNiall: No. I still have a dick.😀😃😄😉😏

KingOfAggressiveness: That really doesn't classify you as a male.😔😔😔

SavageNiall: Well I still have everything that I was born with. Better???😇😇😇

KingOfAggressiveness: Better.👍👌👍👌👍👌

SavageNiall: You're pretty chill today. What's the matter???

KingOfAggressiveness: Nothing. I'm fine.😊😊😊

SavageNiall: I made a couple of comments about my dick and you haven't sent to tongue or drinking water emojis so just checking.

KingOfAggressiveness: How sweet of you.😍😍😍

SavageNiall: I can't help it. I'm a sweet guy.😎😎😎😇😇😇

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you and Flower back together???📣📣📣

SavageNiall: Al📻sje📠njw🔌os⌛m🔏xjd☎oeo🔑s. What??? No!!! Why???

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh she uh sent another picture of you that you sent touching her and stuff when y'all use to date.

SavageNiall: Oh. I'm pretty sure she didn't want you to tell me that.😌😌😌

KingOfAggressiveness: She'll get over it.😄😄😄

SavageNiall: You guys must love me because all you do is talk about me.😎😎😎

KingOfAggressiveness: I mean you do have the characteristic that ever girl or guy wants so it's hard not to talk about you. The size of your dick is a plus though. Not that big of a pulse.

SavageNiall: My dick???😨😨😨

KingOfAggressiveness: See doing percentage your dick affect would be 20 percent and your personality affect would be 80 percent.

SavageNiall: Is that a good or bad thing???😬😬😬

KingOfAggressiveness: Your 9 inches makes it very very good.👌👌👌👍👍👍

SavageNiall: How do you know my dick size???😩😩😩

KingOfAggressiveness: One Flower told me and two I've seen you naked plenty of times so don't give me that crap.😒😒😒😔😔😔

SavageNiall: You saw me naked three times.😣😣😣

KingOfAggressiveness: Suuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeee. Three times.😅😅😅


KingOfAggressiveness: What??? No.

SavageNiall: Explain then.😐😶😔

KingOfAggressiveness: You sleep naked and when we had "sleepovers" you always came in my room to fuck with me while I slept.😂😂😂

SavageNiall: Those don't count I was drunk.😥😰😢

KingOfAggressiveness: Stop acting so inscure you got everything going for you. Fit ass body.💪💪💪 A hot ex you still talk to.💦💦💦 A degree from a really nice school and a well paying job.😒😒😒

SavageNiall: I got a master's degree from NYU just to work at a fucking Forever 21 store. I'm living the dream.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: I went to Stanford for a bachelor and I work at Hot Topic. Sooooo.

SavageNiall: I'm suppose to have a better job since I got a masters degree.😭😭😭

KingOfAggressiveness: You and I will someday but today isn't that day.

SavageNiall: I'm not use to you being motivated to me.😅😭😭

KingOfAggressiveness: Boy I motivate you all the damn time.😔😔😔

SavageNiall: Well you were doing a poor job because I didn't notice until now.

KingOfAggressiveness: Fuck you.😒😒😒

SavageNiall: When and where???👅👅👅👄👄👄

KingOfAggressiveness: Never and never.😷😷😷

SavageNiall: So rude. Don't say I never offered to fuck later on. I'm screenshooting this so I can have proof that you turned me down.👍😁😋😏

KingOfAggressiveness: You were joking anyway so I think I'll be alright.😑😑😑

SavageNiall: We'll see.😏😏😏



Legit this is how some of my text conversation goes with my friends. So some times I'm actually writing shit that happen and other times and I'm just writing for fun.

Bye my Tone It Down.🔌💦😷

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