Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: You up Flower?

FlowerVibes: You know it.😁☺😃

KingOfAggressiveness: I need some advice.😥😢😖

FlowerVibes: Alright. Hit me with ya best shot.🔫

KingOfAggressiveness: Soooo Niall is really upset with me.

FlowerVibes: Is it about his money?

KingOfAggressiveness: No. I gave him his money back.

FlowerVibes: Woooow. I'm surprised yet proud of you.😇👍

KingOfAggressiveness: Thanks but that's not the point.

FlowerVibes: What did you do now?😔😑😬😒

KingOfAggressiveness: I panic so I kept trying to change the subject the subject yesterday because he wanted to talk about what had happen.

FlowerVibes: Ohhhhhh.

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah.

FlowerVibes: You have to talk to him before it is too late for you.

KingOfAggressiveness: I know but what if he says that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore after that.😞😣

FlowerVibes: He won't say that.

KingOfAggressiveness: How do you know that?😟

FlowerVibes: Because he is still friends with his ex.💀😂

KingOfAggressiveness: You're right.

FlowerVibes: You also need to tell him how you feel.

KingOfAggressiveness: That will most definitely freak him out.

FlowerVibes: You never know. It might work out great for you.

KingOfAggressiveness: Whatever you say.

FlowerVibes: Does the guys know anything about this?👀

KingOfAggressiveness: They don't know anything either

FlowerVibes: Harry they have a right to know just as much as I do. They have known you for a long time.

KingOfAggressiveness: I know and I will after I tell Niall everything.

FlowerVibes: Good. You better or I will fight you.👊💪👏

KingOfAggressiveness: I will tomorrow.

FlowerVibes: Great. Trust me it will make you feel better for getting it off your chest.

KingOfAggressiveness: Thanks for listening and understanding.💋

FlowerVibes: No problem. That's what I'm here for and if you need encouragement just look at this picture of you two. *Picture Sent*

KingOfAggressiveness: Love you. Ttyl.😘👋

FlowerVibes: Love you too. Bye.💓✌



I really want to talk about the ending but I don't want to give anything away. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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