Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn: Open the door!!!😤😤😤

PayneGang: Coming.

KingOfAggressiveness: Zayn why are you late???😡😠👿

Zayn: I forgot to set my alarm. I'm not even that late.

SavageNiall: You're fifteen minutes late bud.😂

Zayn: Shhhhhhhh.😖😖😖😩😩😩

PayneGang: Well he has a point. Louis usually is the first one at any place and he still isn't here.

KingOfAggressiveness: Well keep in mind he did celebrate really hard last year.

SavageNiall: Damn. I still can't believe he turned 31.😬😨😯

PayneGang: We're getting old guys.👴👵💀

Zayn: You cockroaches are. I'm not.💇💅🙅

KingOfAggressiveness: Zayn you're turning 28 next month/year.😒😔😑

Zayn: I don't know who you're talking about. I'm still 23 and as beautiful as ever.👶😇😎

SavageNiall: I don't ever think you'll really age. You're a beautiful alien.

PayneGang: Truuue.

Zayn: Awww thanks guys. Now I'm in a good mood.

LouLou: Will you guys stop texting for another thirty minutes???😟😧😣

SavageNiall: No because you're suppose to have been here fifteen minutes ago.⏳⏰⌚

PayneGang: If you come now, you'll only be thirty minutes late.😇😇😇

Zayn: Liam that's still bad.😂💀

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh yeah I just remembered I invited Flower over.

SavageNiall: YOU WHAT?!?!?!😰😨😱

Zayn: Oh I missed her.

KingOfAggressiveness: She had nothing better to do so I thought why not invite her over. I don't want her to be sitting at home moping around while we have the time of our life.😊😁😄

PayneGang: Louis I'm coming to pick you up so be ready so we can be get back faster.😀😃☺

LouLou: Nooooo. I wanna lay here a little longer. The bed is so warm and soft. You guys can just bring your gifts here and call it a day.😭😪😥

SavageNiall: I think I might pass out. This can not be happening to me.😷😌😳

Zayn: If you do, I'll catch you buddy.😙😝😉

KingOfAggressiveness: You won't and Zayn are you sure you're not gay or bi??? You're showing a lot of signs.👀👀👀☕☕☕

Zayn: Fuck you.😒😒😒

SavageNiall: Come on Zayn. We don't have to take this bullshit any longer.

KingOfAggressiveness: Where are you guys even going???

Zayn: We're locking ourselves in your spare room until you start treating us with respect.

LouLou: And the award for 'always being able to fuck up someone's mood' goes to Harry Styles.👏👏👏

KingOfAggressiveness: Bite me bitch.😒😔😡

LouLou: Ewww I don't want to catch a disease so I'll pass on that.😷🙅✋

PayneGang: 😂😂😂

SavageNiall: Liam no texting and driving!🚨🚓🚔

KingOfAggressiveness: Yay! My REAL friend Flower is here.😇😄😊

Zayn: I'm hugging her first you gaint!🏃🏃🏃

SavageNiall: Zayn you can't just leave me here like that.😭😲😟

KingOfAggressiveness: Zayn get back here!!!!!👿👿👿

LouLou: Zayn what did you do to him?

Zayn: I pushed Harry to the floor right before he hugged her then got my hug and ran upstairs and back into the room with Niall.😇😎😇

PayneGang: Savage.👊👊👊

SavageNiall: Liam!

Zayn: Liam!

PayneGang: I'm at a red light guys chill.😂🚦

KingOfAggressiveness: The moment I see you Zayn it's over with. Prepare to have that perfect face of yours rearrange.🙅🔪🔫

LouLou: Hey no fighting on Christmas. This is suppose to be a positive day.🎄🎅🎁

SavageNiall: I agree but you two need to hurry back so we can open gifts. I'm growing impatient.🎁🎁🎁

KingOfAggressiveness: Yeah in the mean time I'll be practicing my swings for Zayn.

Zayn: 😅

PayneGang: Oh boy.😮😯😬



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my I Like It (Like That).🙅🚔🚨

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