Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Author's P.O.V*

KingOfAggressiveness: Why is there a small box with a note from you on my bed?😯

SavageNiall: Just open it.

KingOfAggressiveness: No. Poison might spray out and kill me.

SavageNiall: Just do it.😔😔😔

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you breaking up with me?😭

SavageNiall: Why would I breakup with you?😐

KingOfAggressiveness: Because you could have found someone better.😢

SavageNiall: Trust me that won't be happening for a long time.

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you going to propose to me?😅

SavageNiall: I would have been there to do it.

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you pregnant?😰

SavageNiall: Men can't get pregnant.😟

KingOfAggressiveness: Did you cheat on me?😥

SavageNiall: Why would I put it in a box to tell you?

KingOfAggressiveness: Did you plant a bomb in here?😫

SavageNiall: You haven't given me a reason to kill you so no.

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you in the box?😱

SavageNiall: I'm about to stop texting you if you don't open it right now.😒😒😒

KingOfAggressiveness: Tell me what it is.😞

SavageNiall: I promise it's nothing harmful. Open the box.

KingOfAggressiveness: Alright fine.😩

SavageNiall: Thank you.🙏🙏🙏

KingOfAggressiveness: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

SavageNiall: So I'm assuming you like it.😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

SavageNiall: I figure that since I was moving I might as well take you with me.😇😇😇

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you sure about this?

SavageNiall: If I wasn't, I wouldn't have done it.

KingOfAggressiveness: It was the sex from last night that got me this key wasn't it?😏

SavageNiall: No. You're reaching way too much. I had been thought about this.😑

KingOfAggressiveness: Awww. It's okay. I still love you.💋💖💞

SavageNiall: Smh. It wasn't the sex okay. I love you and wanted you to be closer to me.

KingOfAggressiveness: Awww. As much as I would love to come over and give you head right now I have to go.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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