Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Author's P.O.V*

LouLou: Hello.

SavageNiall: What's up?

Zayn: Where you retards at???

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't appreciate you calling me a retard.😭👿😠

PayneGang: I mean you are one so it's only fair.😅👀💁

LouLou: Damn Liam. You didn't have to go that hard on him.💀

PayneGang: He knows I'm joking. Right Harry?

KingOfAggressiveness: No.😤😡🔪

Zayn: Niall can you be a dear and answer my question.

SavageNiall: I took Harry out to eat to makeup for what I said and stuff.

Zayn: Thank you.😇😘😄

LouLou: That's nice of you.

PayneGang: Send pics or it ain't real.

KingOfAggressiveness: *picture sent*

SavageNiall: Had to get dolled up for expensive as restaurant.💇💅

LouLou: You look nice.

PayneGang: Agreed.

SavageNiall: You know I had to do it to em.😎💪

LouLou: You did not just thought of that, type it, then send that to the groupchat.💀

PayneGang: I'm not surprised. We basically walked right into that one.😂

Zayn: Dang. We were going to invite you guys to the movies with us.

KingOfAggressiveness: Just wait till we finish with this then we'll meet you guys.

LouLou: Nah we good. We'll meet up with you guys after the movie.

SavageNiall: Alright. Have fun.

KingOfAggressiveness: You sound like a mom.

SavageNiall: Shut up.😔😒

PayneGang: Hey no arguing.

KingOfAggressiveness: He started it.

Zayn: That may be true but you don't continue it.

LouLou: Now we sound like a family.💀😂

SavageNiall: That's because we are family.😊😀😃

Zayn: Awwwwww.😍

PayneGang: That was cute.💓

KingOfAggressiveness: 😭💞💗💕💖

LouLou: We'll leave you guys to your dinner now.

SavageNiall: K.

Zayn: Talk to you later.👋

PayneGang: Bye.

KingOfAggressiveness: See ya.



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