Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author P.O.V*

SavageNiall: I told you they were gonna prove me right.😃😄😊

KingOfAggressiveness: That's because you paid them to agree with you.😒😑😔

SavageNiall: I'm not a millionaire. I don't have time to give people my money so they can agree with me.😲😒😲

KingOfAggressiveness: Mmmhmm.

SavageNiall: Speaking of giving people money.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh shit.😰😱😖🏃

SavageNiall: Where is my money that you owe me???😤😤😤

KingOfAggressiveness: I promise I'll give it to you soon.

SavageNiall: Harry it's about to be a new year in a week. I want my money man.👏👏👏

KingOfAggressiveness: Okay. Okay. You'll get it.

SavageNiall: Don't make me treat you how Stewie did Brian.

KingOfAggressiveness: I won't. I promise.

SavageNiall: You better.

KingOfAggressiveness: Flower change her look again.

SavageNiall: Why are you telling me this???😲😲😲

KingOfAggressiveness: To take the topic off of me and your money.😃😄😀

SavageNiall: I highly doubt you'll distract me from that topic.

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you sure about that??? *sent picture*

KingOfAggressiveness: Are you sure about that??? *sent picture*

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SavageNiall: Nevermind then.

KingOfAggressiveness: Like I thought.😏😏😏

SavageNiall: Oh shut up.

KingOfAggressiveness: I don't know why she wore that shirt. Her breasts aren't that small though.

SavageNiall: How could you know that???😡😵😲

KingOfAggressiveness: I'm gay you idiot. Some girls don't care about exposing their body to gay dudes.😒😒😒😔😔😔😝😝😝

SavageNiall: Just like you don't care when you try to show me your body. *sent picture*

KingOfAggressiveness: I would appreciate if you and Zayn would stop saving pictures like that of me.😖😖😖🔫🔫🔫🔪🔪🔪

SavageNiall: We would appreciate if you stop sending us pictures of you like that.😔😔😔

KingOfAggressiveness: Touché.

SavageNiall: Like I thought.😊

KingOfAggressiveness: Now back to Flower.

SavageNiall: No. Not back to Flower.🙅🙅🙅

KingOfAggressiveness: Would you still fuck her???👀👀👀☕☕☕

SavageNiall: Harry omg.🙈🙊🙈

KingOfAggressiveness: Would you???

SavageNiall: Why do you want to know that???😲😵😖

KingOfAggressiveness: You can't ask me a question when I ask you one first.😡😠👿

SavageNiall: I don't give a fuck.

KingOfAggressiveness: I'll take that as a yes then.

SavageNiall: Take it however you want to.

KingOfAggressiveness: I know. I clearly just said I'll take it as a yes.😔😒😑

SavageNiall: Fine.

KingOfAggressiveness: Fine!

SavageNiall: We're too old for this shit man.😔😔😔

KingOfAggressiveness: We really are.😂😂😂

SavageNiall: 😂😂😂

KingOfAggressiveness: The concert is tomorrow. Can you believe it???😨😨😨

SavageNiall: Yeah but just make sure you don't drool over him when we meet him or piss on yourself.

KingOfAggressiveness: Oh come on. Don't act like I'm the only one obsess with him.😠😤😡

SavageNiall: You are Harry.

KingOfAggressiveness: Alright. We'll see about that tomorrow.



I've been calling people cockroaches lately so don't be surprised if you guys see that word appear all of a sudden in my stories. Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Gatekeeper.🚈🚅🚄

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