the menu I made

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so I made it his menu for the fitness group right, and the Nicole girl that is one of the leaders at the other group, she hand tried the take credit, or some credit for it, so today, I'm going to decided to speak, and have a little talk with her,
Suzie had texted me, and said that
S: Vanessa's mom saw the ice bucket challenge video online, and now Vanessa in trouble, and seeing her is banded for her, because he mom said so,
That's pretty sad, anyways, I was ready to talk to this girl.
Once I got the the fitness group I saw her, and walked up to her, hey um excuse me, listen here, you can't just be rude, and try to take credit for my work, at the other group, I saw you make those mean looks at me,
C: my name isn't nicole, it's just cole, I have a twin sister, she was the one showing attitude, with you, and sorry, nobody, ever noticed me, so I wanted credit for something
Wow, but you could of made something, instead of like, cheating
C: I'm so sorry, can you please forgive me
li, also can you talk to your sister please, the mean looks li don't like, my names Sabrina, and I'm about to teach so here's, my number, and call me .
That was crazy, really crazy.

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