Chapter 7

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"What's that?" Andy asks while looking at my bag. "A change of clothes." I reply. "You don't need a change of clothes." Andy says seeming amused. "Well, apparently Ashley doesn't like my work uniform." He smiles in return. "Ashley is Ashley." I get out of the car and follow Andy to his apartment again. I also packed my writing binder, just in case we talk about writing. We enter the apartment, and it's still as lovely as it was when I first saw it. I look down at my feet, and I am graciously greeted by Crow. I giggle and pet him. "Where can I change?" I ask him. "Oh, the bathroom is upstairs. Second door on the right." I climb up the stairs and walk into a decent sized bathroom. I search through my bag, I brought combat boots, fishnet tights, a leather skirt, and a maroon tank top. I never get to wear the clothes I like because I have classes, so I mean... Why not now? Because you'll be in front of Andy... Maybe he'll like it? I spray some of my perfume and fix my hair. Why am I being so precise about all of this? Because you're listening to what Marie said. You're going to give him a chance, and you have to impress him. You've got curves, so flaunt it. I laugh at my own self and step out the bathroom door. I honestly am really attracted to Andy even though it's not been a short amount of time. His looks, his talents, his personality, he may be an asshole at times but... I like it. Just overall, he's Andy Biersack and I seem to be falling for him.

I walk into the room and Andy looks up at me. "I made some-" he freezes and runs his hand through his hair while examining me. I blush and set my bag down. "some popcorn..." He says finishing the sentence he started. "Oh, yum." I say walking over to him and taking myself a piece. "You look...nice." He says. I giggle, "I'm not sure whether that's sarcasm or you're being honest." "Honest. I really like that on you." He says while still looking at me. "Thanks..." I say quietly trying to control the smile on my face. "So..." I say sitting on the couch, Andy follows. Crow jumps up on my lap and I pet him. I look over to see Andy watching me. "What?" I ask him, blushing once again. Thanks. "You just..." he says trailing off, "nothing.... Fuck..." I hug the cat gently, and he purrs and snuggles against my neck. I glance around the room while Andy feasts upon the bowl of popcorn that he seemed pretty proud of himself that he had made. My eyes meet with the sound system, "Hey!" I say excitedly causing Crow, along with Andy, to jump. "What?!" Andy says with a mouth full of popcorn. "Can you put on that song that you had playing yesterday?" Without a word he gets up, locates the disc, and begins playing the song.

Next thing I know, he's seated next to me. My heart rate picks up. I've haven't been this close to a guy in years. Years... I guess he noticed my anxiety levels starting to skyrocket. "Are you alright?" He asks, looking smug while doing so. "Fine." I say while playing with Crow. He reaches his arm out and puts it on the headrest of the couch. I pick up crow and bring him to Andy's face, causing the his face to scrunch up adorably. "Love me, Andy." I say imitating Crow. The kitten meows in agreement. I place Crow on his lap and begin listening to the song I've been replaying in my head for the past day. One part really stood out to me, "No dust will ever grow on this frame, one million years and I will say your name. I love you more than I can ever scream."

Such a beautiful love song.

"Have you eaten?" He asks me, knocking me out of my trance. "Not yet." I reply. "Do you want some cookies and milk? I'm about to get myself some." He says. "Sure." I say with a smile. "Thank you, Andy." I watch him walk over to the kitchen as he gets a pack of Oreos out of the cabinet, the layout of the apartment is that the first floor is all one room and upstairs is divided into bedrooms and a bathroom. My phone begins to ring from my bag and I walk over to retrieve it. I bend over to find it, and see my mom trying to call. Any time she calls, it's late at night and that's really annoying. She hates agitated with me when I don't answer her.

"I called you twice last night, why didn't you answer?!" She screams, "...I was sleeping?"

"Hello?" I say, "What are you doing?" She asks me. "I'm at someone's apartment." I say getting up from how I was positioned to locate my phone, I look back at Andy and see his eyes flash from me to the cup that he was pouring milk in. Well, maybe I should practice wearing skirts more often so I don't absentmindedly bent over in them. Smooth moves, Ivory. "Marie's? I thought she was moving out." I smile as he walks over to the couch and puts a two cups of milk and Oreos on the table. I walk over and sit next to him, a little closer than before. What are you? Crazy? "No. I'm at my friend Andys." "Andy? As in a boy? This late at night?" I can see where this conversation will go... "Yes." I say shortly. She stays silent except for an agitated, "Humph..." "I gotta go." I say and hang up. I can really care less what she thinks. Wait until she sees him... Yikes. "Was that your mother?" He asks before drinking his milk. "Yeah.. I normally wouldn't have hung up on her like that but... It's late and she was getting on my nerves." I laugh and he smiles. I eat a few cookies and then I'm full. I get up and bring my cup to the sink, and then wash it so he wouldn't have work to do because of me.

"You look really nice in that." He says, clearer this time. "Thanks." I say once again while washing out the cup. "Mhm..." He hums. I sit back down next to him. He wraps his arm around me hesitantly and I let him. I want him to. He begins to gently move his thumb back and forth on my bare shoulder and I thought that I just might melt. He gets up and turns on the music once again. As he does that, I check my phone. "Oh gosh..." I say quickly getting up. "I have class and it's already 1:00 a.m." He quickly turns around. "Wait..." He says walking up to me, looking at me with those blue eyes. "Hm?" I say putting everything back into my bag which is propped against the wall near the door. He puts his hand on my hip and I look back up at him. His touch sends a shiver down my spine. I stand up completely and look at him. He has a serious, somewhat frustrated, look on his face.

"What?" I ask him, turning my back to the wall to face him completely. His eyes rake up my body slowly, every second my heart beats faster. My breathing has picked up dramatically as he licks his lips and looked into my eyes. He suddenly pins me up against the wall, causing me to gasp. "I know you like that..." He growls into my year. I stand, pinned against the wall, frozen. Completely shocked. His hand slowly trails up my thigh and I gasp again. "Such as innocent little girl..." He says slowly, in the deep raspy voice that I've managed to fall in love with. "Why are you doing this?" I squeak. He smiles and seductively whispers,

"Because I can."


Helloooooooo! I hope you're enjoying it so far :) Yes, things are getting good now ;) please remember to vote and comment!

Does anyone want me to add Andys POV? I've been thinking about it but I'm not sure yet, so let me know what you guys think.

Now suffer with this cliffhanger XD

Thanks for reading, I love you guys <3

-e. xx

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