Chapter 21

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Andy and I arrive at Target and I can't seem to push away all the gloom set by Marie's adversity. Almost as if Andh could sense it, he laced his fingers into mine and we walked inside. "So what all do you need?" I asked him. He pulled out his phone and read a list of basic toiletries off of his notes. He grabs a bright red shopping cart and we start to walk through the store. Spending time with Andy really seems to calm me down. I guess he just has that effect on me. I look at him and giggle at how a very tall man with tattoos and piercings, dressed it all black, looks pushing a shopping cart. "Stop it." He mutters and I giggle even more. We pass by the bras and panties and Andy stops. Oh my gosh... What is he doing?

"This looks sexy." He says while picking up a black and red lace bra. "...I already have that." I say quietly and he turns to look at me with those piercing blue eyes. He hums in response and puts the bra down. "You should wear it more often." He says while we begin to walk again. I blush, "I'm wearing it right now." He shakes his head. "Ivory, Ivory... Just so innocent." I suck in a breath. Why is it always in public places? Teasing isn't fair. I struggle to keep up with his pace, my legs being shorter than his. I spot a few things off of his list and pick them up. I place them in the shopping cart. "Okay, that's everything we need. Is there anything you want?" He asks me while kissing my forehead. I stand there thoughtfully, "No I don't think so." He clears his throat, "Well I have something in mind. Can you bring this to get checked out? I'll meet you there." He says while kissing my forehead again. I push the cart to the register and the clerk begins to check things out. Shortly, Andy arrives and is paying for everything.

I watch as people flood in and out of the doors, and a familiar woman with an oversized coach purse walks into the store. Fuck. Not now. I quickly snap my head to Andy, "Andy." I say in a warning tone and he looks up at me just as a high pitched voice I've known all my life screeches, "Ivory!" I turn around with a fake smile as my mother walks towards me and gives me a hug. "Hello, mother." I say back in the same tone. "I haven't talked to you in a while. Ever since you hung up on me at that boys house." She says with a snobby tone.

Well, that boy is right behind me, bitch.

"Who's this?" She says while her focus changes to Andy. I turn to him as he puts on a charming smile and reaches out for a handshake, "Hello, my name is Andy Biersack. I'm your daughter's boyfriend." The way he said it was sort of snappy, but I didn't mind at all. My mother declined the handshake. "Excuse me?" She questions with a look of disgust. "He's telling the truth." I say while Andy moves the shopping cart with all of the paid items, so other people can check out. "What do you think you're doing young lady?!" She begins to raise her voice which is earning the stares of nearby strangers. "Look at him! He has tattoos and piercings! He must worship Satan judging by what he is wearing!" She exclaims. "He does not." I defend. I don't raise my voice because that will only fuel her more. I walk over to Andy, but she stops me by forcefully grabbing my wrist. "If you think you are going to date him then there must seriously be something wrong with you Ivory Woods--" she begins to growl, but is cut off by Andy pulling her off of my arm. "Listen woman," he says in an agitated tone, "I do not care if you're her mother, but you will but grab her like that, you will not hurt her. She is nineteen and out in her own. You cannot control her anymore, and you will not speak to her in that manner. I love her more than life itself, and I will not let anyone take her away from me, unless she wants to go. Now, go continue your shopping and find a dick to suck. Ivory and I are leaving."

My mother stood there frozen from his small outburst. The way she grabbed my wrist really did hurt though. Andy grabbed the shopping cart and looked at me to see if I was coming. I looked at my mother and she glared at me. "I am ashamed to say that you are my daughter." My whole body tensed and I picked my chin up, walking out of the door as Andy follows.

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