Chapter 18

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I wake up to Andy planting kisses all over my face, and soft music playing in the background. I laugh, keeping my mouth closed aware that I probably have morning breath. "Good morning, beautiful. Isn't this so much better than your alarm clock?" He snickers and I push him off of me with a laugh. "Indeed." I agree while getting out of the large, fluffy bed. "Ready for a shower?" He asks while leading me out of the room. It's too early for this. He stops at a closet and grabs my yoga clothes. "I guess all of the other boys will just have to see how nice your ass is in these pants." He sighs making me giggle. I begin to walk to the bathroom and he follows me. I turn on the light and he explains how to work the shower. He plans a kiss on my cheek and walks out of the door.

I hop in the shower, glad to have some time to myself. So, Andy and I are finally official. He's mine. I smile at the thought. My Andy Biersack. He's so sweet. He treats me very well, and I hope it's not temporary. I wonder what's going on with Marie and William... It's unusual to see them like that. Especially William, he doesn't get stressed very easily. I let the water run over my body, hoping it would wash away all of the negative vibes, but it didn't work. I dry off and change into my yoga clothes. I look on the counter to see that he has a blow dryer. I laugh to myself while imagining Andy blow drying his hair. I turn it on and dry my own. I hope he has an extra toothbrush that I can use. I'm lucky enough that he had a sweet smelling soap below the cabinet that he got for me. I had to use his shampoo, but I'm not exactly complaining because now I can smell him all day.

My phone vibrates and I see a text from Edward lit up across the screen, *You have off today and tomorrow, we are closed this weekend because the air condition broke yesterday. Enjoy yourself :)* *Oh okay, I hope it gets fixed. You enjoy yourself too :)* Great, I'm  missing a weekend of work... I need the money.

I exit the bathroom and smell maple throughout the apartment, so I walk downstairs, squealing at the cold metal and I hear his hearty laugh from below. He sets a glass plate on the kitchen counter that has a stack of pancakes with strawberries on top. I gasp and smile in excitement. I love pancakes! "I made you breakfast." He says happily. "Thank you!" I say running to the pancakes like a child. He hands me a fork and a glass of French Vanilla coffee, my absolute favorite.

He's being very, very sweet this morning. He seats himself next to me and starts to eat his stack of pancakes. I eat carefully, as I always do, and drink all of my coffee. He frowns at my half-eaten stack of pancakes. "You didn't like them?" He questions. "I loved them. They were delicious..." I pause to think of something smart to say. "I just have to be careful of what I eat... Sometimes I get sick." I made a face and he mutters, "Oh." We dropped the subject knowing it wouldn't be good for either of us.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush?" I ask. "Yeah. Look in the first drawer to the right of the sink." He laughs, and I run back upstairs. After brushing my teeth, I check my phone. I still have some time before we have to leave, so I walk back downstairs to see him writing in his notebook. "What are you writing?" I ask him curiously. "Just a new song." He says. "What's it called?" I ask. Wow I'm just full of questions this morning... "Rebel Love Song." He smiles up at me. "Oh." I say blushing lightly. I peek over to see the words, but he pulls the notebook away. "No, no. You can see it yet." He says lifting a finger playfully. "Yes sir." I say sitting on another chair so he can continue writing.

Crow jumps on to my lap and I pet him as he purrs softly. My mind wanders back to last night when I got a text from an unknown number... Speaking of texts, I haven't talked to my mother since I hung up on her. I shrug off the thought because she doesn't have respect for me, so why should I have respect for her? Thinking of my mother, my mind travels back in time to when I was younger. I was always scared in my house, mainly of my father. I was abused physically and verbally. I have a very strong disliking of yelling at my current age, and I still flinch and back away when people raise their voices. I look over at Andy, and I wonder about his past. How was he raised? Where are his mother and father? Does he have siblings? My mind is flooded with questions... Now is probably not the best time to bring up the past. I don't like talking about it, so I take into consideration that he might of had a rough past too.

It happens to the best of us.

It's sad thinking that such good people go through such terrible things.

Andy's deep voice brings me out of my thoughts, "Are you ready to go?" I relax my face, not realizing how tense it was. I nod and get up off the chair, but I let Crow jump off first. We walk out of the apartment.

The day flies by quickly, and that's pretty much how the rest of the week went. I stayed at Andy's apartment, and brought some clothes from my dorm to his place. We decided to rotate weeks, one week at his apartment, one week at my dorm. We didn't really do much because we both had huge papers to write for our Literature class. We both didn't mind though, because the assignment was formal, creative writing. We spent our afternoons at his apartment doing our papers, and we both turned them in early on Friday.

• • • • •

"Happy Saturday!" Andy says while crawling on top of me in bed. I laugh at his enthusiasm, "How are you such a morning person?" "I'm only a morning person when you sleep with me." He says cheesily. I hum in response. "The boys are coming over today. We are recording a live take of 'The Morticians Daughter.'" He says while crawling off of me and getting out of bed. "Ooh." I say goofily, and he smiles and me while also looking at me like I'm phsyco. I laugh at my own self and clumsily get out of bed. I pick out a black, leather skirt, yes the skirt that Andy seems to love, and a red crop top to go with it. I pick a pair of wedges and decide to wear a pair of thigh high socks with it. I change in the bathroom and walk downstairs to see that Andy made me a waffle, and was cleaning the living area.

He looks at me as I come down the stairs. "Fuck, Ivory..." He says looking at me, stopping what he's doing. "What?" I question. "You should know how I feel about that skirt..." He says as his eyes scan my body. I lift an eyebrow and open my mouth to speak just as there was a knock on the door. He moves to answer it, but manages to keep his eyes on me for as long as possible. I blush and sit on the couch. Crow was sleeping on a pillow, but woke up and crawled in my lap. I played with him and the boys walked in. "Hey, Ivory." They all muttered different greetings and I giggled. "Hey guys."

I stand up and walk over to them, being polite. Ashley whistles, "Damn girl... You've got some really nice curves." I blush and bring my hand up to my face, it's a habit for when I'm embarrassed. "Thanks..." I say quietly. "So how are you?" Jinxx asks me. I haven't really talked to him that much, so it pleased me that he said something. "I'm good. How are you?" I return the question, "Doing well." He responds shortly. I study how each of the boys are wearing black jeans and black tshirts, but Ashley is wearing a cowboy hat with a sheriff badge on the front of it. His style makes me want to giggle, it's unique and it amazes me how he's not afraid to be different.

We visit for a while and I learn that Andy is the youngest in the group. I also observed that Andy and CC are mainly the goofy ones in the band. Jinxx and Jake are very quiet, and Ashley is just full of sass.

They take me upstairs to sit in the band room as they record the song in one take. I love Andy's voice. I love how deep and raspy it is, and I don't know why. I close my eyes and absorb the sounds of violin, piano, and acoustic guitar. It sounds lovely. Andy's voice was absolutely beautiful. "That was amazing!" I say once their finished. They all smile and say different thank you's. We go back downstairs and I see that I have a text from Marie. *Where are you?* It reads... *Andys place, why?* *address?* "Is it okay if Marie comes over?" I ask Andy. "Of course." He says kindly and continues to listen to Jake's story. I give her directions to the apartment complex and the apartment number, and she didn't respond.

I shrug it off, and a few minutes later there's a knock on the door, and I swiftly get up to answer it.

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