Chapter 32

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I spread my legs as he watches intensely. "Come on." He says. I could tell he was growing impatient. I laid back and trailed my hand slowly down my chest. My heart was thudding against my chest as I did so. My hand reached the desired area and he let out a small groan. My lips parted at the sound just as they always do. "I wish it was your hand." I said quietly. "Speak up." He says, I repeat but a bit louder and more confidently. "I bet you do." I he says. His voice sounded a bit strained. "How does it feel?" He asks. "Okay, I guess." I say nervously. He hums in response, "Faster." I do as I'm told and I hear shaky breaths from the other side of the camera. Eventually a warm feeling begins to build up in the pit of my stomach and small whimpers begin to fall from my lips, completely beyond my control. "Yeah, sweetheart. Moan for me." He growls. His words send chills down my spine. His name begins to fall from my lips as my pleasure increases slowly but steadily. "Are you close?" He asks. "Y-Yeah..." I stutter nervously in response, but I move my hand away and shake my head. "What?" He asks. "I... I think we should just wait until you're back home." I explain. I really don't feel comfortable finishing in front of him on a camera. My mind flashes back to Clay and I feel sick. I don't know what I was thinking. "Alright." He says surprisingly in agreement. "I'm sorry." I say. "I'm sorry too." He says. "Okay. Well... I'm going to go nap, and I'm sure you need some rest too." I say, even though hanging up this call with Andy is the last thing I want to do. "Yeah. I guess so." He trails off. "Bye Andy." I say. "Bye. I love you." He says, then he hung up before I could say it back. I slip my clothes back on and lean back on the sofa.

As if I hadn't gone through enough in the past minutes, my cell phone rings and I pick it up. "Hello?" I say quietly. "Hey! Ivory, it's Clay. I was wondering if you wanted to come on a night run with Marie, James, and me?" His voice gives me goose bumps. I flinch, "Uh..." I trail nervously while tears sting at my eyes. "Sure. Why not. I'm at Andy's apartment." I say while putting my head in my free hand. "Well, we will come pick you up in about fifteen minutes. Sound good?" He asks. "Yep, fine." I say shortly. "Alright. See you soon." The call ends and I put my head between my knees and let out a loud groan. Crow makes his way over to me and purrs quietly. I lift my head up and give him a small stroke before getting up to freshen up since I'm already in athletic clothes. I spray my old lavender perfume that I used to wear every time I was around Clay. I wonder if he remembers? I sort of laugh at the memories as the flow through my head like a river. The river never knows when to stop flowing though... Is it possible that I'm in love with two people? The way I felt when he kissed me... I... I don't know...

A loud bang on the door causes me to jump and knocks me out of my fantasies. I rush back down the stairs and open the door. "Ready?" Marie asks. I nod and we climb into Clay's fancy car. As soon as I sit, he turns and gives me a smile. I smile back in return. It feels like old times.. Plus James of course. "Alright so where are we running?" James asks. "I was thinking in the park." Clay says. "What about we find a forest trail somewhere?" I suggest. I always used to run through the forest next to my house when I was younger. James pulls out his phone and eventually finds a trail we could run on a few minutes outside of town. We eventually arrive there and get out. "Alrighty." Clay says. As soon as James steps foot out of the car I try extremely hard to control my laughter. I make eye contact with Marie. "What?" She mouths to me. I quickly point to James' bright orange tennis shoes. You could see those from Mars. "Let's go." Marie says with a giggle. "What are you two laughing at?" James calls out. "Oh nothing." I say with a smile. Clay smiles too. He removes his jacket and puts it in the car before locking it. We all walk to the trail and begin jogging. a cool breeze rushes through the woods and leaves fall beautifully. Clay is in front and I'm second. James and Marie are enjoying their time together behind us it seems. Clay takes a glance behind him and smiles. "Keeping up?" He asks as I catch up to him. "Of course." I smile as we both jump over a log. We hear a thud behind us and some laughter and look to see that James has tripped over the log. "James you can't run through the log." Clay says as I giggle. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He says grumpily while dusting leaves off of him. Clay rolls his eyes playfully. "Come on now." He calls to us. "He stops for no one." I laugh while helping out James while Marie dies of laughter. "Yeah. Try being his partner for work." James snaps. I turn back to catch up with Clay and they both follow.

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