At the Barricade

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Enjolras lead his group to the sides of the streets to watch the funeral. But thry all knew thry wouldnt just be watching. As the Kings casket was marched by on a float, parade like with the french flag swinging from the corners of the float. Enjolras ran out into the street and jumped onto the float. Followed by Marius, Gavroche, Joly and everyone else who was pro barricade, hijacked the float of which carried their last hope, their dead last hope. They knew it was time to do something themselves instead of just waiting around. The boys took off the flags that were so delicatley flying in the air and swung it themselves. Asking all the other funeral goers to join their crusade. They asked for the strongest of men to help them make the world a good place for everyone but none of them stirred. When Javert and his other police stopped the float with their guns, it was time to get to the barricades. Enjolras shot first and they all scrambled to get to their barricades that were not yet made. Enjolras had a lucky shot and hit one of the police in the chest right before he can think about shooting him back. Instead the shot the police fired landed into a side of the float rather than hitting one of the revolutionaries. Off they scrambled. It was Feuilly's great idea to make their barricade down the street from the ABC cafe where they were familiar of the streets around them. Eponine watching Marius the whole way as they ran to set up the barricade cafeful so he wouldnt get hurt. Everyone began throwing down their funiture to help build the barricade. Eponine noticed some of the boys going into houses asking to have their furniture so Eponine did the same. She knocked on a rusty shack-looking house and when some yellow teethed short ugly man opened the door she asked nicely for a chair or two or any funiture they could spare. She noticed a little boy sitting in the corner of that rusty old shack crying. He had scars upon his face. He seemed very unwell. Eponine spoke quickly

"Who is that boy over there, what wrong with him is he okay?"

The mother of the child came in to the room the little room the boy was hiding in. She was holding a thin metal rod. One that Eponine remembers from her childhood... She used to call it the beating stick. The father responded

"We want nothing to do with your little revolution, boy leave us alone"!

He went to slam the door in her face she stepped her foot in the door to stop him. She got a glimpse of the little boy being hit once more by the mother before she backed her foot away in shock. She swore that very minute if she made it out of the battle alive she will hide that boy and he could live with her if he chose to. When she turned around she saw a very very big pile of furnature, from couches to old pianos, Everyone was glad to help the revolutionaries.

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