Few Weeks Later

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The little boy that they found the day before awoke next to his new friend Gavroche, even though the little boy hasnt said a word since Eponine found him he was almost part of their small little family.
Eponine saw him rummaging through some things looking for something to eat. Eponine suggested they go for a walk and he excitedly took her hand.

A couple minutes into their walk they heard some men fighting behind the corner. Eponine urged the little boy to stay put while she checked it out. As soon as she saw the men she shook her head in disappointment. Her father, broujon and the others robbing an old woman to get a little bit of money they relied on. One of the Thenadiers new crew spotted Eponine and nudged another man Eponine didnt reconize.

All the sudden from behind her a hand covered her mouth and a knife to her throat. The unfamiliar man picked her up still restraining her and brought her to the head of this crew. Mr. Thenadier. her father.

He looked up to the wincing and struggling girl. He smirked. Lifted his hat and kneeled.

"Fancy seeing you here" he said sarcastically.

Eponine stopped struggling and looked at him in complete discust. The man who was holding the knife to her throat spun her around and grabbed her wrists bending them so her elbows her squeezing her chest and he could get a good look at her cleavage. When Eponine noticed his intentions she kicked him right inbetween his legs. (yes the place you are thinking) and pulled her knife on him.

"Touch me anyway sexual again I swear your death with not be slow and painless"

Eponine forgot she was surrounded by more men then just one and a bag went over her eyes and a dirty old towel into her mouth.

Thenadier was not bothered of these sexually frustrated mens intentions and they began taking advatage of the little stregnth she had due to lack of food. The moment before Eponine was ready to give up, the man that was restraining her slumped over and let out a wince. Within the next seconds everything went quiet. She was so disturbed and she was even crying that she couldnt fight back to these men who took advantage of her. Her eyes rolled back in her head partly from the malnutrition and because this was such a traumatizing thing for her. Even for the always unafraid Eponine. She started to fall to the ground but she never hit the ground...

A/N sorry i havent updated in soo long i ran out of ideas if anyone wants to comment some ideas id be more than happy to use them! Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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