Chapter 50

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Kayla's POV:
"This is Madison"
"Shes hot"
"I guess if thats what you want"
Me and jack sat there for hours just talking we eventually fell asleep at like 4 in the morning

Ashley's POV:
It was around 8 in the morning when i woke up hunter was already awake
"Hey hunter what you doin?"
"Im trying to get cearel can you help me?"
I poured him a bowl i left a letter on the door that said i was going to go to starbucks
"Hey ashley where you going"
"Starbucks why?"
"Mind if i join?"
"I guess not"
He went and put his slippers on and we started walking to starbucks
"So hayes are you upset that rianna is leaving and taking the kids?"
"Yea i mean it's not gonna be the same"
"Well at least she's mature sorta she knows how to take care of them"
"What do you mean sorta?"
"Well she spends half her time on youtube watching johnnie guilburt and the dolan twins"
"Man im gonna finsh them like cheesecakes"
"Plus she has warp tour tickets to meet johnnie."
"Yea you jealous?"
"Stop lying"
We arrived at starbucks and got our order
I turned around to see a girl
"it's me madison do you know where i can find kayla"
"Oh yea just follow us"

Madison's POV:
"Madidon what are you doing here?"
"Well i have this friend kayla, dont think i was here for you because you make me upset"
He gave me a stern look as i walked away i was talking to ashley when we finally arrived at the bus
"Kayla is in there" ashley pointed
I walked onto the bus
"Kayla" i was looking around
"Oh my god i didn't see you, did i step on your foot"
"Yea kinda"
"Sorry do you know where kayla is?"
"Uhh yea her and nash went for breakfast"
"Aww did they finally end up together?"
"Yea and you with anybody?"
"Nope im single and im proud"
"Lot of confidence"
"Yea, oh sorry i feel so rude im madison"
I put my hand out and he shook it
"Guess kayla's back" he said smiling he had beautiful white teeth
"Guess so"
I got up from the table we were sitting at and walked to the front of the bus
we hugged each other well nash was just on the side
"Oh nash this is madison"
"Hey madison" nash gave me a hug.

Nash's POV:
I walked to jack
"How was the date?"
"Good how's your morning goin"
"Good i mean madison is hot and nice so it's a bonus"
"So you gonna try and get at that?"
"Key word try"
"Good luck bro"
We did the bro shake and i left him to give Mckenzie and hunter the presnts me and kayla got them for their birthday
"Kenzie hunter i got presents"
"Ooo what are they" they both screamed running to me
"Here look" i handed them bags
"Ooo thank you uncle nash" kenzie yelled holding the unicorn me and kayla picked out
"Whats this" hunter asked
"Its a box of shoes"
"But but i want a unicoron"
"Do you really i mean look uncle nash has the same one's" i put my feet up and showed him
"Your right these are better than a stupid pink unicorn"
kenzi said running towards us.
She threw it in hunters face
"Hey guys how would you like your aunt skylnn to come to your birthday party"
"And dads mom and dad"
"One of them will but dads mom my mom and skylnns mom is in heaven"
"Yea she passed away before you were born"
"Because she had cancer"
You could see the look on their faces like they felt bad for asking.

Hayes' s pov:
I walked into the small bathroom on the bus to find rianna straightening her hair
"Can you just leave your hair natural for five seconds?"
"I dont know hayes can you just stop talking for five seconds"
"Okay im sorry whats wrong why are you so freaked out?"
"Because we're gonna have the twins birthday and everyone is gonna be there and my dad already hates you and i just cant right now"
"Well i understand if someone got kenzie pregnant at age 16 i would have to kill the guy"
She laughed
"Plus look we're doing a pretty good job at being parents i mean look at them they're growing up to be such good kids"
"I guess but i just know the layout of this there's gonna be a bunch of yelling from my dad"
"And im prepared"
I told her kissing her cheek
I walked out of the bathroom and went to go get kenzie
"Come on mommy wants you to go and get your hair curled"
"But why cant i get it straightend"
"Nope you not gonana get turned into a miniture mommy"
"But but-"
"No buts"
"Well why does  hunter get to turn into a miniture you"
"No answer now let's go get your hair done"
"Fine but ima have momma straighten it"
"When did kids get so hard to deal with i'll give you one"
"Nah bro im worried on putting my wedding together."
"Fine where are you guys gonna have it anyway?"
"We're thinking about Barcelona"
"Do you even have the money for it"

Taylor's pov:
"Do i even have the money for it? How funny, yes i do"
"Okay it was just a question"
Hayes walked away with his hands in surrender
"Hey lovely girl"
"Because im finding a wedding dress and you cant see it"
"Hey what's she doin in there"
"Wedding dress searching"
"Ahhh" he went to open the door '"no you cant go in"
"Chill dude im not the groom"

Matt's pov:
"Hey aubrie"
"I need to know something"
"And that is?"
"Does kayla hate me"
"I dont know why?"
"Because seeing her with nash makes me upset"
"Word of advice dont break her and nash up because of your jealousy"
"But aubrie i dont think you understand i dont her and nash will last long as it is"
"Homestly matt if you want this information go talk to kayla yourself"
"I will evantually but i heard your lookung at wedding dresses can i help you pick one"
" you know anything about style?"
"Tons just kidding you should have joey help you out but i can give you my opinion"
"Okay lets see what you got"

it all started with a textHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin