Chapter 41

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Aubrie's POV:

The plane was starting to take off and Taylor wasent in his seat

"Nash where is Taylor?" i asked nash tapping his shoulder

"I dont know last time i saw him he was in the mob of screaming fans" Nash said

I had to really use the bathroom and when i went to the door i heard things i didnt want to hear so to make sure it wasent who i thought it was i called Taylor's phone and i heard it ring in the bathroom i hung up and started walking down the asile now crying

"Aubrie where are you going?" Nash yelled

"Im getting off the plane" aubrie said grabbing her stuff and walk back towards the could he why would he, he is just another man whore i thought he loved me...

Nash's POV:

"Aubrie wait!!" i yelled

we were both now off of the plane

"Nash your gonna miss your plane" Aubrie told me

"Im not getting on the plane without you, magcon is a family and you are apart of it" I told her

"Well i dont wanna be apart of any family that taylor is apart of anymore" she said

"Aubrie...." i sighed

"Taylor has been hooking up with girls ever since you two have been dating he tells us "he isnt gonna settle down for one girl" or some shit like that" after i told her that she put her head down

"Is that really true how long have you guys known this?" aubrie asked getting more sad and depressed

"We have known for like three days maybe but aubrie taylor isnt worth it, you deserve someone way better."

"Really nash?"


Rianna's POV:

"Has anyone seen aubrie?"

"I have not but nash just texted me saying that him and aubrie are gonna be coming tomarrow maybe" Gilinsky said

"Why where did aubrie and nash go?"

"They had a little situation they had to take care of"

Oh okay i thought to myself...

Taylor's POV:

I went back to my seat to see that Aubrie wasent there

"Where is aubrie?" i asked

"Literally i just told everyone where aubrie went why do i gotta explain again? she and nash got off the plane" Gilinsky said

"But Aubrie's my girl why would she get off the plane with Nash?"

"Well from what we hear Aubrie doesnt wanna be with you anymore you man whore..." Rianna said

"If anything  Hayes is a man whore he cheated on you" i said

"guy's can we please stop arguing?" kayla asked

"No we may not this is a serious situ--"

"Please fasten your seat belts the plane is about to take off"

the intercom interrupted me speaking

whatever maybe magcon without nash and aubrie would be good..

Matt's POV:

As i sat down in my seat and everyone was staring at us from the huge argument that just happened i grabbed Kayla's hand and sat back furthur in my seat and looked out the window...

Carter's POV:

I got to my seat and got everything situated and sat next to Taylor

"What do you want Reynolds? " Taylor asked

"Just wanted to say what you did was terrible"

"Obviously, do you think aubrie will forgive me?"

"Nope aubrie most likely will never talk to you again"

"Well thanks for just putting it out there"

"Oh your welcome but ima go sit with ashley now so see ya" i said as i stood up and walked towards Ashley. .

it all started with a textHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin