Chapter 1

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Edit: 2018/011/07

The sound of the helicopter blades slicing through the air was oddly calming comparing to the chaos that was happening in front of us. I sniffed and it was mixed with the sweetness of the lollipop and the strong scent of blood. Explosions and gun fire could be seen firing off in the forest, it went on and off like a light bulb that had a seizure.

"Get ready," Scarlet said as she scooted towards the entrance of the helicopter "We are almost there." she glanced out at the open door

"I am always ready," I replied as I threw the finished lollipop stick out the entrance pretending to act cool like they always do in the movies

"You should stop eating sweets," She scolded me as she would have towards a child, ruining my moment.

Suddenly Snake eyes jumped out without any warning. My lips curled and emit to what sounded close to a light snarl. I saw him do the hero landing before started chopping down enemies.

"Show off!" I yelled before taking a small leap off the helicopter

I could hear the gunshots ringing throughout the forest as air blew at my face while gravity pulled me towards the ground. I landed on the ground on all fours, the impact made my leg wobbled a bit, but I quickly stabilized myself before going straight to action. We were informed that there was this government unit ambushed by the Cobra organization, and now that there are multiple casualties and dangerous weaponry at the scene.

I kicked a masked guy in the face sending him flying into the tree, but then after a few seconds, he stood up like nothing happen. I licked my lips with frustration before pulling out a small dagger that was strapped to my thighs. The creepy men in masks were not normal, something is off about them. They are like zombies and won't die unless you cut their head off.

"Eat this!" I sprinted towards him and took a huge leap at the last second before crashing into him. Sticking the knife into the mask eye, since it is the only place that has direct contact to its brain.

The body fell to the floor with a thump, I retracted my knife from the eye socket. Glancing around for my next prey, I saw this guy in a solder uniform, probably from the military, trying to fight off one of the other masked guys but with no luck, he was limping. I suspect that he was hurt when they attacked.

I shoved the dead body a bit to make space and quickly went to help. Drawing out my katana, I whistled at the masked man and caught his attention. He turned around unprepared, giving me the opportunity to stick it in his eye.

"What?!" the solider spluttered before I rush off to kill more of the masked men.

The adrenaline in me was keeping me focused and the desire for blood only intensified as time went on. I was doing well until two of the encounters me, I punched one of them in the face and it hurt. Like really bad.

"Ow." I groaned as I flapped my hand around to ease the throbbing sensation that ran across my knuckles.

"Got anything to say before you die?" the bad guys said as they one of the weird guns in my face, so cliché.

"Yea, how about no? Wait, look!" I told him pointing up towards the sky

"What?" he looked up, I cut his whole head off in one clean slice without hesitation

"You actually fell for that?" One of my eyebrows raised as I quickly wipe the blood off my katana with the hem of my shirt

I suddenly felt an armored hand on my right shoulder. My instincts kicked in; I turn around just about to cut the hand off when the attacker caught my left wrist. I came face to face with a complete dark visor.

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