Chapter 17

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Edit: 2018/11/09

I slowly descend from the helicopter just as a whole bunch of people came crowding around me. I was surprised that so many people came and congratulating me on returning home. I was a bit overwhelmed by all the things that are happening around me.

"Guys give her some space!" Scarlet yelled as she waved her hand around trying to create space

General Hawk came into view, he seemed pissed and I wouldn't blame him. I did run away from my duty, if he was nice, he would probably make me work twice as much to make up for all the work I've missed. I straighten my back to brace myself for a long lecture, I didn't brace myself for a hug.

"It's good to have you back kiddo," He patted my back before letting me go.

"It's good to be back." I smiled up at him

"You are going to work back what you missed as well, don't think I forgot about it."

It is confirmed, General Hawk is a demon.

"Fangs!" A familiar voice ringed through the area, my ears twitched as it picked up the sound

"Professor Ray?!" I was astounded, why was he here?

I thought he had returned to the Amazon forest where his base is at. He came forward and gave me a hug, he had an unreadable expression on his face. I watched him pulled back and ran his hand through his hair.

"What-What are you doing here?" I stuttered over my words; I still haven't really digested the fact that he was in front of me. His appearance took me off guard.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was Kate?!" He threw his hands in the air

"You know her?" I yelled back before stopping myself, "That makes sense, she is a hybrid."

"She was one of my closest assistants," Ray said as he rubbed his temple.

"Why would she come and try to hurt us? She knows that we are friends, right?"

"That is the point, she thought we are more than friends and wanted to prove herself that she was more

'Worthy', and then she disappeared months ago."

"You didn't go look for her?" I was dumbfounded, all this shit happened because she was jealous.

"I did, but I couldn't find her. She is too good at hiding, so I thought that she wanted time for herself. I never thought that she would try to hurt you. You never mentioned Kate's name so I could have never guessed that it was her."

"But she said that her target was Snake eyes, not me. How do you explain that?"

"Kate's target was to prove to me that she was strong enough to go on missions, I promise that she would have never tried to kill you, but she is quite devious, and she still can't really control her powers yet. She thought that by defeating you and Snakes could prove to me that she was strong enough to stand by my side."

"So, all this shit happened because Kate wanted to be your girlfriend?"

"If you put it that way it works too, I guess."

"Damn, this girl has gone quite the length."

"I am so sorry, Fangs, I truly am. If I knew it was her, I could've stopped all this."

"It's fine," I shook my head "As long as the misunderstanding has cleared, I don't care what happened in the past anymore, it's too tiring."

Ray smiled before giving me a hug. He bid me goodbye before approaching his own plane, I could see that Kate was in one of the sleeping pods that was helping to heal her wounds and checking on her status at the same time. Ray visibly sighed and gently patted the top of the glass before the door to the plane closed and launched off. Back to Amazon, to where their home is.

Let's just hope I don't see Kate for a while unless she is coming to apologize, but with her personality and stubbornness, I don't think that would happen. After the plane was gone, I got dragged away by General Hawk to do work. I almost cried when I saw the length of reports that I had to write.

I had so many people congratulating me in addition to all the paperwork to do. I didn't see Snake eyes at all, but he had been leaving stuff on my office tables, such as a box of chocolate and candy. I had happily accepted all of those, but every time I come back to the table something new would be there.

This time, it was my favorite candy, Konpeito. It was in this cute transparent cylinder with multiple colors. I popped one into my mouth and savored the sweet taste. I had told Snake eyes that I had forgiven him, but he has to work to get me to like him again. Snake eyes is cheating.

I continued on with my day and the surprises never stop. It was until after dinner I returned to our room, where I found Snake eyes standing in the middle of the room pacing back and forth.

"Snake?" I questioned quietly as to not startle him

His head snapped towards me so fast that I thought his head would fall off. He quickly walked towards me but stopped just right in front of me. His hand came up and adjusted his helmet a bit before signing.

"Can I hug you?"

I pretend to think for a moment before nodding, his hands were instantly around my waist and brought me close. His scent filled my nose, it still smelt like apples. I leaned into him, letting Snake tug me closer. I placed my chin onto his shoulder as he nuzzled his mask into the crook of my neck. He suddenly pulled back and signed frantically

"I'm really sorry-"

"Use your words Snake."

Snake's hand froze in midair before he hesitantly pulled off his mask. His beautiful blue eyes were avoiding mine, his dark circles under his eyes made him look even more miserable. His mouth opened and closed like a fish, I waited patiently for him to say whatever he needs to say.

"I-I am sorry for what I had said, I know you said you forgive me, but I still want to tell you that I am really sorry. The moment I realize that you left the base, I realized that I fucked up. I started questioning if what I had really done was right, I looked into everything and when I found out the truth, I was devastated," Snake said as his breath become erratic "I couldn't help and feel disgusted with myself when I remembered the words I said to you, the words that made you cry and the words that I refused to listen to."

"Snake," I muttered as I moved forward and pulled him into a tight hug "I forgive you. It was all a misunderstanding, and we just didn't handle it the right way. You are not the only one at fault. I should've gone to you in the first place instead of keeping the conflict as secret."

Snake nodded but kept silent as I rubbed soothingly across his back. We were in a comfortable silence while we soak in each other's company. Snake eyes suddenly spoke up breaking me from my peaceful state.

"Did you like the presents?" He asked meekly

"Was it a strategy of yours to get me to forgive you again?" I laughed at his question

"Yes." He nodded before we fell into a comfortable silence

It was quiet for a while and we soon moved to the bed; Snake leaned against the headboard while I sat in between his legs with my back to him. Snake had his arms wrapped around me protectively. The bed covers covered both of us to keep us warm. I leaned against him as I listen to his heart beat and mine, there was only us in the room. Just us.

"Did my strategy work?"

"A little bit."

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